The Solution Series: How to Become a Local Activist with Patrick Wood
“Those who say it can’t be done are usually interrupted by others doing it.”~ James Baldwin Preview Full episode Download the full transcript in pdf here. By Corey Lynn and James White As the experiment of big spending, big government, and big corporations appears to be waning, one has to ask what will take its place if the system as we know it fails. For many years running, those who have foreseen what is now happening have been educating citizens to “go local” in all that they do. Our guest on this episode of the Solution Series, Patrick Wood, has been aware of what is coming for a long time, educating and informing America for going on four decades. We are delighted to talk to Patrick about organizing locally. His long experience and infectious charisma make him an ideal candidate to discuss the importance of forming, training, and maintaining local…
Don’t Miss The Censored Conference Act II April 28 & 29!
In short… You’re being lied to. Nothing is as it seems. We pull back the curtains, you get a front-row seat. Join Us For The Censored Conference Act II April 28 & 29, 2023! Watch Live Online Streaming for FREE! Purchase a Ticket to watch on your own schedule and help fund action initiatives and lawsuits. The ticket also gives you access to Act I and additional 2023 upcoming conferences. Use Coupon Code: Corey and Save $25! Full transparency. That’s the only path forward as we expose the entire world to credible experts whose voices must be heard. Voices who have been systematically hidden from you by big tech and their government controllers. If the controllers do not want you to hear what they have to say, then it is even more important that you do. As Benjamin Franklin stated, “Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free…