The Art of False Defeat in The Housing Market
Have you ever been in a sports league or played on a rec team? You wake up in the morning thinking about the big game coming and psyching yourself up for the big win. Nothing is going to stop you – you are pumped! You think about all of the best players on your team, both offense and defense, then you start assessing the players on the other team and how you are going to out-maneuver them. Your team has built a solid strategy, run plays exceptionally together, you’ve won countless games and you know you got this in the bag. You are heading for the playoffs! But then the coaches on the other team are informing everyone that they’ve already won, the news is spinning the same tale, and everyone is telling you that your team has lost even before the game began. People aren’t even planning on going…
The Solution Series: Protecting Your Home and Real Estate Assets with Marie McDonnell
“The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home.”~ Confucius Preview Full episode Download the full transcript in pdf here. By Corey Lynn and James White It has often been said that the average person’s greatest lifetime purchase will be their home. Statistically, the numbers support that statement as being factual. With that in mind, logic would dictate that after purchasing a home or other hard assets, one should take the necessary steps to protect said assets. Well, you’re in luck because the guest on this edition of the Solution Series, Marie McDonnell, is an expert at helping you protect your real estate assets both while you are alive and after you’re gone. Marie is a Mortgage Fraud and Forensic Analyst™, a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), and a Master Analyst in Financial Forensics (MAFF), with over 35 years’ experience in transactional analysis, mortgage auditing, and mortgage fraud…
The Housing Bubble
By The Sharp Edge It turns out that moving from the city to a home in the country is harder than I thought. For the past several months, I’ve been on a home shopping journey, but the problem is there aren’t many homes for sale. I wondered if this was a trend across the country – and of course it is. Housing inventory has hit record lows in several areas while demand is soaring, driving prices to astronomical heights. In this video, we go over some of the alarming trends and ask – Are we in a housing bubble? If so, when will it burst? Video by The Speaker and The Sharp Edge.