Rogue Food Conference DFW Texas November 8th and 9th!
I’ve personally attended two of the Rogue Food Conferences (RFC) and found them to be very informative and beneficial, plus it is excellent for networking with others working toward food independence. It’s educational, fun, and inspiring all in one! RFC in Texas! Soaring food prices, radio frequency ID tracking of every animal in the country, bird flu to break raw milk demand, raids on food co-ops, vaccines in various vegetables… Rogue Food was founded by Joel Salatin and John Moody to educate, equip, and encourage folks to say enough is enough, and do something to help restore food freedom and fairness to the food system. Are you a farmer, homesteader, or someone who eats on occasion? Most likely you are! Then come do something about what is happening to your plate. We are bringing RFC to TX to help you help yourself or your farmers and homesteaders who feed you.…
USDA Hitting Food Supply Chain with Cattle Surveillance and A Level-4 Animal Disease Laboratory
Remember the days when you thought chipping a cute little kitten you rescued from an animal shelter was super convenient, in case the little guy ever strayed? How innocent it all seemed. It was such a grand idea that “activists” pushed so hard for. Fast forward a couple decades and it’s easy to see where this was all headed, and right now, the cattle are being targeted and humans aren’t far behind. Coincidentally, RFID (radio frequency identification) chips were piloted on cattle in three states, one of which is about to get a level-4 biosafety laboratory. Microchipping pets was introduced in 1986, though DARPA had long been working with microchips prior to that. By 1996, ISO standards were created so that all microchips would be compatible with the same scanner. So in 2003, when a single cow was determined to have bovine spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease) in Washington state,…