The Solution Series

    Feeding The Enemy Instead of Feeding The Soul: You Are Being Played

    Though I’ve remained rather quiet as of late, I’ve still been making observations. While I focus my energy on internal work and new information I would like to share in upcoming pieces, I can’t help but feel compelled to point out some of the observations I’ve made. Some may seem insignificant and small in scale but they pack a punch, while others are larger campaigns that are rifling their way through some of the most critical thinkers out there. Social media has become a war zone and remains an entirely different battlefield altogether. What I’m seeing transpire, primarily on social media, is a loop – a constant feeding to the enemy while people neglect their soul. Goal #1: Programming Mind conditioning and programming have always been the game. I could write an entire report just on the letter “X” and how it’s been used to condition minds. Instead, I’m just…


    I’ve Waited A Long Time For This…

    I’ve waited a long time for this. Pulling myself out of the quicksand has been more difficult than I ever imagined it would be. I knew that if I followed this calling it would be heavy, dark, and intense, but I also knew that it had to be done before the “soul” and “energy” could be the main topics of discussion. People often ask me why I do the work I do. My friends and family thought I lost my mind because politics, corruption, and sinister people were things I always stayed far away from, but they also understood why this work was necessary. The truth is, I didn’t want to do this work. I didn’t want to delve into the darkest corners of the universe and expose elements of evil I knew I would find. I didn’t want to trace the money to show all the ways it is…


    Proper Etiquette for Agent Provocateurs

    By James Fitzgerald Free speech comes at a cost, because words are power and create ripples throughout the world. The wise, after realizing the impact of their words, begin to cultivate discretion and discernment. Not much of a problem, you might say, but how much practice have we all put into developing the latter attributes when compared with the easy consumption of huge swathes of random images and information generated by corporate media and other people? The AI thought police on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram are so heavy handed now that these platforms no longer offer even the semblance of free expression. “Suspect” videos are pre-banned, so that there is no chance of uploading them in the first place. It is possible to read the circuitry of Twitter’s brain by observing the headlines they flag on the right-hand column — and Facebook lets its boy wonder, Mark Zuckerberg, make the…



    Expression – the one commonality all human beings embody, but so few are able to truly express themselves. It’s not because they lack the words, the imagery, or the ability to do so. It’s because the system has used the mute and pause buttons on society since the beginning of time. Be quiet, wait your turn, I’m talking, you can’t do that, that wasn’t the assignment, I don’t care what you think, you’re not an artist, wait in line, there’s no time for that, don’t speak, you have to do it this way, and on and on the “rules” go. For a child to be shut down when brilliance is about to emerge, can be detrimental, and for adults it can compound insecurities. One thing is for certain – everyone has been shut down hundreds, if not thousands of times throughout their life. Think about that for a moment. Expression…

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