The Solution Series: Building Wealth with Catherine Austin Fitts and Ricardo Oskam
“We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it.”~ George Bernard Shaw “You can build wealth, you can build poverty, or you can build nothing. Which do you prefer?”~ Catherine Austin Fitts Preview Full episode Download the full transcript in PDF here. By Corey Lynn and James White It is with both a sense of accomplishment and a bit of sadness that we present to you, our valued listeners, this last episode of the year-long Solution Series, jointly presented by the Solari Report and Corey’s Digs. Over the last 12 months or so, we have spoken to—and gotten to know—so many valuable and fantastic guests that to single any one of them out would do a disservice to the rest of them. That being said, we were both delighted and honored to be in the position to host so many wonderful…
The Solution Series: Off-Grid Living with Rich Scheben
“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.”~ John Muir Preview Full episode Download the full transcript here. By Corey Lynn and James White This edition of the Solution Series tackles “off-grid” living. Although we suspect our audience is well-informed about what that term means, we first define what it is and what it entails. Unsurprisingly, when someone describes themselves as “living off-grid,” they mean precisely that, describing the decision to live outside the municipal grid and voluntarily forego city services that most Americans take for granted like electricity, water, gas, and so on. Our guest, Rich Scheben, is one of those folks. Disgusted by the direction in which corporate America was headed, mountain man Scheben left the rat race and a successful New York career as a pharmaceutical rep for a major drug company, moving to the wide-open…
The Solution Series: Mental and Physical Preparedness with John Cain Carter
“You’ve got to clear your head, quit watching television, and stop reading all of the garbage because it is intended to create fear, and fear is paralyzing.” ~ John Cain Carter Preview Full episode Download the transcript. By Corey Lynn and James White By all accounts, the “writing is on the wall” concerning the worldwide effort by establishment elites to engineer central control and eliminate economic independence and property rights. The skillful manipulation and control that is building a control grid—implemented one person at a time with invasive surveillance, neurological weaponry, propaganda, a tsunami of disinformation, and financial incentives and penalties—comes wrapped with a constant, oversized helping of fear. This week’s guest, John Cain Carter, rejects the philosophy of fear and has the bona fides to back it up. Carter, with a geology degree from the University of Texas in hand, joined the U.S. Army and served in the Long-Range…
SAS Legend Gives Preppers Food For Thought
By James Fitzgerald We live in a world where people wait in line for what is already theirs — food, water, and shelter. When the European immigrants landed on the shores of the American continent in the first wave of settlement in the 1600s, they quickly cast off the burdens of feudalism and adopted the symbiotic lifestyle of the Native inhabitants. It wasn’t long though until the concept of store credit reared its head among the cash-poor but time-rich pioneers. Modern society now largely relies on debt to purchase things, and that has given the central banks and corporations a stranglehold on resources, policies and control over who lives or dies. It didn’t take the New World immigrants long to become serfs once again — even though from all mature philosophical and rational viewpoints we all deserve to share in all the resources of the planet, with the utmost respect…