The Solution Series
  • Eugenics, infertility & population growth crisis part 1

    Eugenics, Infertility & Population Growth CRISIS

    Over 60,000 Americans were sterilized in the U.S., in the name of eugenics, but it didn’t end there. The phenomenon of men’s sperm declining by 50% and infertility in females rapidly rising – stumps no one – they just won’t tell you the truth. • Over 60,000 Americans were sterilized in the name of eugenics and the Supreme Court law wasn’t repealed until the 1970s. • The U.S. population growth hit a historic 80-year low in 2018 due to less births, while immigration continues to grow – projected to be the primary contributor after 2030. • Nearly every western country has a historic low birth rate – media is silent. • The Rockefellers worked with scientists, WHO, UNFPA, USAID, multiple governments, and others, to create anti-fertility vaccines that would sterilize both men and women on a mass scale, with research evolving into crops as well. • DNA databases you voluntarily…

  • HEALTH & SCIENCE,  Vaccines & Pharmaceuticals

    Measles, Masterminds & Millions Part 5

    Merck, the exclusive manufacturer of the MMR vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella, has been involved in a lawsuit since 2010 against its own scientists who blew the whistle on the efficacy of their MMR vaccine, but that’s not the only lawsuit they’ve been up against. In fact, Merck has been fined billions for multiple crimes over the years. Measles, Masterminds & Millions has broken down the inception of the free Vaccines for Children program by the Clintons, the deception by the media, the money flow, and the compensation program in Parts 1–4. Part 5 exposes some of the crimes and lawsuits Merck has had to answer for. • Merck withheld safety information on products, exaggerated efficacy rates more than once, withheld information, and has been fined several times for Medicaid fraud and bribing healthcare professionals • VCIP awarded $5,877,710 to 49 victims for injury and death claims from Merck’s…

  • HEALTH & SCIENCE,  Vaccines & Pharmaceuticals

    Measles, Masterminds & Millions Part 2

    The media, HHS, WHO, and CDC are all up in arms over why people are concerned about vaccinating, and going so far as to proclaim “the measles outbreak is the anti-vaxxers fault, they are conspiracy theorists spreading misinformation, and this is dangerous!” The problem is, they only wish to portray selected statistics while being very deceptive and exaggerating the danger – which has played a major role in huge public distrust. • For the past 26 years, since 1993, there have been 5,788 cases of measles reported in the U.S., and 4 measles-related deaths, two of which had other complications and was only determined after death • The CDC, WHO, and mainstream media report 0.1% – 0.2% measles death rate in the U.S., when in fact it is 0.07% over the past 26 years • 483 Claims of injury or death from the MMR vaccine have been paid by the…

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