The Solution Series: Bountiful Food and Self-Reliance with David DuByne
“I’m a shelf-life investigator and really believe that is the key to thriving during this time by knowing what the healthy foods will be and what is their expiration date.”
~ David DuByne
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By Corey Lynn and James White
One only has to watch a few minutes of any network newscast to ascertain that some kind of food shortage might be on the horizon for some parts of the world, including the United States. Sadly, throughout history, governments have used food scarcity as a way to push their populations into a position of dependency, eventually leaving people reliant on the very structures that caused or exacerbated the problem in the first place.
At the Solution Series, we are not sympatico with the concept of dependence upon government but encourage people to be more self-sufficient. Our guest this week, David DuByne, shares that sentiment.
DuByne has been educating people across the globe about coming cyclical changes to our environment for almost 10 years. His YouTube channel, Adapt 2030, is considered the “go to” source for information about space-based weather cycles as well as cycles occurring here on the terrestrial plane known as Earth.
DuByne’s message is one of hope and encouragement. He readily admits that he knew practically nothing about food preparation or preservation himself before beginning to take the first steps several years ago. His insights are also quite practical; for example, he points out that there is a category of “women’s tools”—lighter tools with smaller handles designed with “finesse and fine-tuning” in mind. Whether you have a penchant for outdoor gardening or want to keep things manageable by growing microgreens, this Solution Series episode has something for you and should not be missed!
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