Is Jeffrey Epstein’s Zorro Ranch Insulated?
There is a side to Zorro Ranch that is not being told. The fox is surrounded by the well-connected King family on all sides, a solar station to the west, and Hollywood to the north. Child sex trafficking is at the center of the Epstein investigation, but there may be much more going on than meets the eye, and Zorro ranch appears to be insulated.
• Jeffrey Epstein purchased the New Mexico ranch from Gov. Bruce King in 1993 – the year Bill Clinton became President – Jim Baca was brought on by Clinton and Bill Richardson worked with Clinton on the NAFTA passage – both of which received thousands in campaign contributions from Epstein.
• Over 20,000 acres of Hollywood landscape sits just north of Epstein’s land, purchased by fashion designer Tom Ford in 2001 – another name in Epstein’s black book.
• In addition to Epstein giving over $50,000 in campaign funds to former AG Gary King, the King family’s land surrounds Zorro Ranch on all sides, and their political and defense connections go all the way up to ballistic missiles .
Jeffrey Epstein was taken into custody on July 6, 2019 on charges of sex trafficking minors and conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking of minors.
The indictment states he conspired with others to carry out these acts.
In creating and maintaining this network of minor victims in multiple states to sexually abuse and exploit, Jeffrey Epstein, the defendant, worked and conspired with others, including employees and associates who facilitated his conduct by, among other things, contacting victims and scheduling their sexual encounters with Epstein at the New York Residence and at the Palm Beach Residence.
Whereas they do not specify his New Mexico ranch in the indictment, Zorro Ranch is being investigated by New Mexico authorities who are assisting federal authorities in New York. They are currently interviewing people who allege they were abused by Epstein at the ranch. In a 2015 court filing in Florida, Epstein was accused of sexually abusing a 15-year-old girl in New Mexico and other locations.
In 2008 Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to soliciting a minor for prostitution in a plea deal that only required him to spend 13 months in jail, of which he served most of in his Palm Beach office on “work release.” There were dozens of victims, a 50-page indictment on sex trafficking charges that was shelved, and a secret plea deal that concealed the full extent of his crimes and granted immunity to any potential co-conspirators. It stunk, and is now in the spotlight again. A judge recently ruled for the unsealing of up to 2,000 pages of judicial documents to show evidence of whether Epstein and his partner Ghislaine Maxwell were recruiting underage girls in an international sex trafficking operation.
Epstein’s connections are vast, ranging from the Hollywood elite to billionaires, politicians, and presidents. Before getting into the political “resumes” which surround this ranch, take a look at the overall landscape to get a visual sense of the lay of the land.
The Lay of The Land Surrounding Zorro Ranch
Epstein purchased Zorro Ranch, consisting of nearly 8,000 acres, in 1993 from former Gov. Bruce King. It is assumed he purchased it under his real name at that time, but I was unable to trace the records from 1993. However, the Santa Fe County Assessor’s records do reflect Jeffrey Epstein under Zorro Ranch Trust in 2011, which later switched to Cypress Inc. in 2013. Though his name is not indicated on the Cypress Inc. records, the New Mexico State Land office provided the state AG’s office with documents indicating that Cypress Inc. is owned by Jeffrey Epstein. In fact, they are currently looking into 1,244 acres of state trust land that Cypress Inc. has leased since 1997.

According to county records, he began constructing a stable, detached garages, and homes in 1994, and began building his 33,339 square foot mansion in 1999. What an interesting number to land on for square feet. Of course, by the time the multiple porches and patios were added, the overall square footage of this monstrosity came to 57,420.

It has been reported that the Kings still own land surrounding Epstein’s property, but it wasn’t stated as to just how much land, which Kings, and where those parcels are located. Nor do they seem to be reporting on the extensive land mass to the north, used by Hollywood for filming over 30 movies, and purchased by Tom Ford in 2001, who just so happens to be included in Epstein’s little black book.
Below is a map detailing all of the parcels with their respective owners. To be clear, the Kings own land under many names. Also note that the State of New Mexico owns land adjacent in addition to a chunk of land right smack in the middle of Epstein’s parcel. There are two smaller parcels also owned by Cypress/Epstein, indicated on the map that both fall within his overall large parcel. And, Alexander LLC is in fact a small representation of the bigger land just to the north that is also under the name Alexander LLC, which makes up the large parcel used for Hollywood movies.

Why is this so significant that politicians, government, and Hollywood all insulate Epstein’s property? Because there has been victim testimony alleging that they were taken to his ranch in Mexico and sexually abused, which is now under investigation. How is it that no one knew this was taking place? And the bigger question is, what else may have been happening at this ranch?
Points of Interest:
1) Wedged between Bill King’s parcel and Epstein’s is a parcel owned by New Mexico Solar Station LLC, which is interesting because it was purchased in 2006, yet the land remains vacant. The organizer listed on this parcel is Max Lee Kiehne, a longtime Santa Fe rancher and owner of Centerfire Property among other ventures. He was a 2010 campaign donor to Gary King, and serves on a committee for the NM Cattle Grower’s Association along with Bill King. Kiehne graduated Harvard in 1968, and seems to have a fascination with space based on his twitter account. He only follows 33 individuals and organizations on twitter, and in addition to the astronauts, NASA, and space related pages, he also follows Bill Gates, Virgin, and Richard Branson.
Michihiko Takahashi is listed as the agent on the New Mexico Solar Station LLC, and also works in real estate for Kiehn’s Centerfire Property. He graduated the University of New Mexico and worked as a financial manager for Raycom Media Inc. and was the CFO for KASA, which is a local television broadcast station.
What’s not clear is what this solar station is for and why the land has sat vacant since 2006. What’s curious is, there would appear to be some form of broadcasting setup on Epstein’s land just east of this “solar station” parcel.
In reviewing all of this, one can’t help but flash back to last year’s FBI lockdown of the solar observatory in Sunspot, in southern New Mexico, with a telescope that is overseen by the New Mexico State University. The alleged story being purported by the news is that a complete FBI lockdown, along with a Blackhawk helicopter, and closing of a post office was the result of a potential pedophile working there. Not much detail surfaced thereafter.

2) Here’s where it gets interesting. Epstein has an airstrip and hanger at the south end of the property, yet there are two Cessnas stashed 2.85 miles north, just over the ridge at the far northwest end of his property. There is also a dirt road leading to that end where two homes sit. It’s a short walk from the furthest home up over the ridge to the planes. Why are these two planes not located in the hanger right next to the airstrip? Notice their position in relation to the trees around them and the ridge itself.

(Update 7/27/19: After this article was published, it was suggested that these planes may very well have been flying over, were captured on satellite, and created an optical illusion that they are at ground level. This is entirely plausible.)
3) The State of New Mexico owns a section of land right smack in the middle of Epstein’s parcel. The land is entirely vacant with exception of this structure built into the ground at the southern end. Being unable to determine exactly what this is, one would think a government employee might be required to visit this structure at times, which would take them straight through Epstein’s property.

4) The “ranch” portion at the main entrance of Zorro Ranch is outfitted with a stable, paddocks, and other facilities, yet in this aerial view it wouldn’t appear as though there are any animals on site. In fact, the entire “ranch” seems to be devoid of animals. Perhaps they are no longer on premise, or there are animals inside the stable? The mansion resides further up Zorro Ranch Road to the north.

5) Without being an expert on fracking, it would appear that these could be potential fracking areas throughout Epstein and the King’s parcels. New Mexico is currently the third largest producer of oil in the US, though fracking seems to be in the hot seat right now. Perhaps they’ve had success and brought in a stream of revenue from this?

6) Whereas several reports reflect a photo of a labyrinth behind Epstein’s mansion, based on aerial footage from January 8, 2018, it would not appear to be three-dimensional at all. In fact, it looks much like paint with a pile of rocks on top of the “shrubs” with dirt tracks rolling across it as well. Even if the grass and shrubs died off and they let it go, it seems strange that it would take on this appearance. Given the background of those surrounding this property, as documented further down, it gives one pause as to what might be underneath this section of land. This is curious, as the same thing was observed at the tennis courts on his Little St. James Island. This first photo was published by Reuters, and the labyrinth appears to be three-dimensional and legit, but there is no date on it, so it’s hard to say how old this photo might be. Perhaps it was dressed up for when they hosted big functions and weddings at the property years back? The photos following Reuters photo represent what satellite images show from 2018.

7) Just north of Epstein’s property is again bordered by land owned by the King family, as indicated in the map shown at the beginning. Just after that is the land listed as Alexander LLC, which represents several smaller parcels (some not highlighted in red below) along with a very large parcel, which encapsulates leased and deeded land, an airstrip and hanger, ranch, and the Silverado movie set. Over 30 movies have been filmed across this land. In 2001 fashion designer Tom Ford purchased this 20,000+ acres of the beautiful Cerro Pelon Ranch. Ford is listed in Epstein’s black book. Is it any wonder as to how they know one another? Additional information and photos of this land can be viewed here, which hosts an interesting map overlay on Manhattan and Central Park, NYC.

The King Family
Former Gov. Bruce King sold Jeffrey Epstein this nearly 8,000 acre family ranch for $12 million in 1993. Why let go of family property, while maintaining ownership of the land surrounding it? King passed away in 2009.
King served in the U.S. Army during World War II, and spent a life in politics beginning in the early 1950’s when he worked on Senator Dennis Chavez’s campaign. He was elected to the Santa Fe County Commission in 1954 and served two terms. He went on to serve five terms in the New Mexico House of Representatives and three terms as Speaker of the House. In 1970 he was elected to his first term as Governor and proceeded to serve two additional terms in 1978 and 1990. He also served on several boards, was active in the Boy Scouts of America, and served as the Chair of the New Mexico Democratic Party and Vice-Chair of the National Governor’s Association.
Bruce married his wife Alice Marie Martin King in 1947. Alice passed away in 2008. Alice had an extensive background in advocating for the children of New Mexico. She served as Chair of the Juvenile Justice Council, worked with the Juvenile Justice Task Force to review the New Mexico children’s code, and chaired the Governor’s Task Force on Children and Families, as First Lady. The task force created the first-in-the-nation Children, Youth and Families Department. She also worked with educators and led several summits on the education system. She served on numerous boards of charitable foundations. She was a member of the board of directors for the New Mexico Boys Ranch and spearheaded the effort to establish the New Mexico Girls Ranch. She created the New Mexico Children’s Foundation in 1992, which is a state-wide grant-making organization that has funded 165 small non-profit children’s organizations throughout New Mexico. Gary King is the President of the Board.
Bruce King had two brothers, Sam and Don, who also own a lot of land in New Mexico, some of which surrounds the Epstein ranch. Sam, Don, and Bruce’s son Bill own King Butane Company since 2009 and Bill is a licensed truck driver since 1991.

The other son of Bruce King, Former AG of New Mexico Gary King, served from 2007 to 2015. Prior to that he served as a democratic New Mexico State Legislature for 12 years, from 1987-1998.
• Aside from Gary’s background in politics, he has a law degree and previously maintained a private practice, and has a PhD in organic chemistry.
• In 1990 King served as Corporate General Counsel and Senior Environmental Scientist with Advanced Sciences, Inc. which is an environmental consulting firm that works with industrial and government clients. It was acquired by Commodore Applied Technologies, Inc. in 1996.
• In 1997 Gary and his wife purchased seven timeshares at the Marriott Kauai Beach Club in Lihue, HI.
• In 1998 he became the Policy Advisor to the Assistant Secretary for Environmental Management at the U.S Department of Energy (DOE) in Washington D.C., then rose to the position of the Director of the Office of Worker and Community Transition just one year later.
• In 2006 he was elected as New Mexico Attorney General.
• AG Gary King initiated the New Mexico Human Trafficking Task Force which is headed by the Office of the Attorney General and has a dedicated human trafficking unit within its special investigations division. They work with Life Link, a service provider offering emergency assistance, housing, substance abuse, mental health treatment, employment and other supportive systems. They also work with state, local, tribal, and federal law enforcement agencies, and prosecutors. The office of the Attorney General was awarded a grant for this task force.
• He spearheaded legislation to make the practice of human trafficking a felony crime, and was invited to Geneva, Switzerland by a United Nations committee to present this legislation as a model for other nations.
• He has served as chair of the Manzano District of the Boy Scouts of America, and is president on the board for his mother’s foundation – the New Mexico Children’s Foundation.
• King received $15,000 from Epstein in 2006 for his run at AG. According to some reports, in 2006, following Epstein’s arrest, King gave back $15,000 that an Epstein company called The Zorro Trust had contributed to his campaign for attorney general. Yet, he went on to accept another $35,000 from firms linked to Epstein in his 2014 run for Governor. King had said they would look into it and stated, “I don’t think I’ve ever met him personally. He knows other members of my family better.”
Gary King is married to Yolanda Jones King, a woman with a very extensive and impressive background.
• Received her BS cum laude in chemistry and PhD in physical chemistry (chemical laser kinetics) from the University of New Mexico in 1981.
• In 1978 she worked on Bruce King’s campaign run. In 1987 Gary and Yolanda married.
• 32 Years in the U.S. Air Force working in research, management of research, development of programs, resource management, and program planning.
• She holds a patent in beam sensing techniques.
• She has numerous publications and presentations on directed energy and space technologies.
• Served as the Director of Engineering & Technical Management at the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center at Kirtland AFB.
• Head of the space based sensing and satellite protection technologies at the Space Vehicles Directorate of the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory for three years, then moved to the AFNWC.
• Served as chair for the NATO RTO Sensors ad Electronics Technology Panel. She traveled to meetings in Slovenia, Romania, Poland, France, Taiwan, Italy, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic while in that position, and Gary accompanied her.
• Was the Director of the International Office for the Air Force Office of Scientific Research in Washington, D.C.
• Was responsible for management of all Ballistic Missile Defense Organization technology programs and oversight of all Air Force Science and Technology programs for the Phillips Laboratory Commander and AFSTC Commander.
• 1999-2011 Served on the Board of Trustees for the University of New Mexico Foundation. Yolanda and Gary donated between $10,000 – $24,999 between 2008-2009. Other donors include Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Lockheed Martin, big pharma companies and banks, Walmart, numerous foundations and estates, and the Navajo Nation donated over $1 million.
• 2019 – New Mexico Senate Democrats confirmed Yolanda to the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology Board of Regents.
• Her campaign contributions are primarily to women, with the most recent to Tulsi Gabbard’s presidential run, from Hawaii.
A Few of Yolanda’s Publishings and Symposiums:
Negative deuterium ion thermal energy measurements in a volume ion source
Co-chair at the NATO symposium on Advanced Sensor Payloads UAV
1989 Weapons Laboratory Air Force Systems Command – Kirtland Air Force Base: Experimental Investigation of Relationship Between Nonlinear Field Energy and Emittance Growth.
2003 Air Force Research Laboratory Success Stories
Epstein Campaign Money to Other New Mexico Candidates
In 2006 Epstein donated $10,000 to Jim Baca’s campaign for New Mexico state land commissioner. It is being reported, that after Epstein’s conviction, Baca either donated the money to charities or returned the money. That said, Baca was twice elected New Mexico Commissioner of Public Lands, serving from 1983 to 1986, and again from 1991 to 1993. In 1993 Bill Clinton began his presidency, Jeffrey Epstein purchased the New Mexico ranch from former Gov. Bruce King, and Baca was appointed Director of the Bureau of Land Management by Clinton, and was fired the following year. There are two BLM parcels butted up to Epstein’s property at the north end.
Epstein also contributed $50,000 to each of former Gov. Bill Richardson’s gubernatorial campaigns, who served as New Mexico’s Governor from 2003 to 2011. According to reports, Richardson recalls visiting Epstein’s New Mexico ranch only once during his run for governor in 2002. Richardson is also listed in Epstein’s little black book. It is no coincidence that Richardson was also appointed the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and Energy Secretary by former President Bill Clinton. It’s also no coincidence that him and Bill Clinton became friends after working closely on sealing NAFTA’s passage in 1993.
Is This A Bigger Operation?
How is it political figures who are fighting for harsher laws for human trafficking, creating a human trafficking task force, a community children’s foundation, and have worked at the highest levels of defense in our country, are completely blind to the actions of a man and his co-conspirators, who coincidentally owns their father’s land right smack in the middle of all of theirs? And then, to go on and accept campaign funds, long after he was a convicted sex offender, is rather astonishing.
He funded the Governors, AGs, Land Commissioners, and likely others, for decades. To say that this tight-knit group of politicians, including former President Bill Clinton – who traveled on Epstein’s plane 26 times – were not involved in some level of conspiracy, would be foolish at best. To suggest that deeply connected politicians, defense connections, and Hollywood all surrounding Epstein’s ranch, is not suspect, would be even more foolish. Things aren’t looking too bright for the Clintons, especially with their long list of connections to child sex traffickers and pedophiles. This also raises more questions as to what the Clintons, Richard Branson, Bill Gates, George Soros and numerous others are up to on the islands in the Caribbean, which is rife with child trafficking.
The magic year was 1993. Bill Clinton became president, Gov. Bruce King setup Jeffrey Epstein in the center of his other parcels in New Mexico, Jim Baca was appointed the director of the Bureau of Land Management by Clinton, and Bill Richardson was working hard on NAFTA alongside Bill. Epstein was lining everyone’s pockets, and one by one, they were added to his little black book. And this is just a glance into New Mexico’s Zorro Ranch connections. Epstein’s other connections and locations add layer after layer of high-level government ties, making it undeniable that there are much bigger plays in action. The thought of blackmail, human trafficking, drug trafficking, gun trafficking, experimentation, and other nefarious actions come to mind when taking all factual reports and stacking them up to one another. Indeed, this is conspiracy at the highest levels – and as the indictment suggests – co-conspirators are most definitely involved.
Denied bail, Epstein remains in federal custody pending trial, and was recently found injured and in a fetal position in his cell, with reports swirling about a potential suicide or attempted murder by a former police officer who is serving time for running a drug ring, murdering four people, and burying them in his yard. Whatever proves to be true, one thing is for certain – all the King’s horses and all the King’s men can’t put Epstein together again.
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Read about Jeffrey Epstein’s St. Thomas Network, Comms, And An Elite School

Barbara D
Excellent article; you put all the pieces of the puzzle together. I remember driving through New Mexico a few years back and there is so much land with nothing on it and I said to my husband, “I wonder what nefarious things are
going on in those isolated places where no one is around to watch?”
The last paragraph reminds me of the priest who was let out in the jail population and was murdered. Convicts are not friendly to pedophiles.
Amazing how money buys political silence.
I pray that the light of justice will shine brightly on this potential horrific situation where innocent children were used, abused, harmed and potentially used as human sacrifices. May be this is the needle that breaks the camel’s
back to break open this blight here in Americana and around the world. Adults are supposed to take care of the children and widows.
anne Mason
Excellent research. Thank you for your passion and dedication to inform.
Shared on twitter. Hope other issues are resolved for you soon.
Sheri Powers
Why are the structures on this property worth 18 million as noted in by the assessor’s statement? All of the photos of the structures, even the “mansion” look very simple and in the middle of nowhere in NM, I don’t see the $18m value at all. Did you look into this? Maybe underground structures?
Roselind Burnett
Thank you for investing the corruption and connection of the democrat leadership to Epstein. Significant numbers of New Mexicans knew something wasn’t right.
Val Taire
Also need to investigate NM Gov. Lujan Grisham, who was one of thirty-three AWAN House Dems. How much money did Epstein, Richardson, Hollywood, Etc donate to her campaigns as House Rep and Gov.
What social gatherings have they attended together. Has she ever visited Zorro Ranch?
Did she ever pass laws favorable to King, his wife (particularly with scientific studies funding?
Great work as always, Corey.
Is that structure a parabolic mirror?
Corey Lynn
It’s interesting you say that because I looked that up and thought that could potentially be it, but it’s hard to tell.
Here’s where you can buy parabolic mirrors
Those planes aren’t on the ground. They aren’t even planes. That’s a single plane that was captured in two different snapshots as it flew over by the satellite. You can tell that it is in motion because the red, green and blue sensors snapped it microseconds apart, which is why the red image of the plane leads and the blue image trails (and where they overlap the green image in the middle, the plane appears in its true white.)
This is one of the tricks of aerial photo interpretation that requires you to know some things about your sensors.
Corey Lynn
Thank you for this insight. I added an update to the article.
Not necessarily fracking, but certainly oil and gas production. I can see a grasshopper style pumpjack, various holding tanks, waste ponds, etc that are all undeniable oil patch structures. So that means that there are easements across the property that petroleum workers are using to access the equipment. There’s active exploration/drilling going on as well, because there are towers in place that I would expect to come down and be replaces with well heads or pump heads once they are drilled.
100% verified.
Those are microwave relays. They are usually used by the phone company for phone/internet service. It is likely that there is also a cell tower site located on the same tower. It is likely that Epstein doesn’t own the equipment, but just leases that spot to the phone company.
Corey Lynn
It may very well be phone/internet. I scanned it for awhile and did not see what looked like cell-related equipment. That said, I do not believe Epstein would be leasing any part of his land to a phone company, and it would be more likely that he does in fact own the equipment. Or, someone he is connected with set this up for him.
You can tell from the dish sizes and their orientations that they operate in the microwave bandwidth and are terrestrial relays. Microwaves are line of sight, so there has to be another dish on the other end to receive. You know that they are relays (and not just receiving) because there is a pair of dishes for each link (uplink/downlink).
A landowner can make a tidy rent for no work by leasing these plots out, and we know Epstein was greedy. Non-telecoms rarely own microwave links, and even then there is a specific purpose (TV stations for remote broadcasts, stock market front-runners trying to beat the internet based trades, etc). It’s 99.999% telecom. If he wants to have internet access (and we know that he is all about it, whether for his cover story of financial trading or so that he can run server farms) then he has to have a microwave link somewhere around him run by a telecom, and the closer it is to him (and his servers) the faster his access will be.
Even if he didn’t want it, telecoms can use eminent domain to take the land if it is the right place to put a relay. He wouldn’t have any choice then. He might have picked this place because it was close to a relay and had good comms, but he wouldn’t have been able to stop it if the telecom decided to come in and put one there.
No, absolutely no oil and gas activity on that property. You can look up the wells in the area on the New Mexcio Oil Conservation Division website on their GIS.
The closest wells, and there are only a few, are a township away.
State lands are scattered throughout the state. The state was assigned various sections long ago so that it could lease those lands to provide money for schools. If Epstein is leasing the land within his property, there should be a record of that lease with the State Land Office in Santa Fe, and the reason for the lease. Depending on the nature of the lease, it could be unlikely it is visited by state inspectors.
Corey Lynn
Well that’s even more interesting, if documents indicate there is “no activity,” when we can see in the images that something is going on. Could they possibly be mining something else there?
I looked up mining permits on the New Mexico website and there are none on this property, which doesn’t eliminate the possibility that something is being mined illegally. The only thing that occurs to me is that gravel, if it is there, might be mined to maintain the ranch roads. Additionally, according to the State Land Office website, the state land is leased under an agricultural lease by Cypress, Inc., out of the Virgin Islands. Again, there is nothing suspicious about state lands being contained within the ranch boundaries. The entire state is dotted with state-owned lands.
holly neilson
What about all those young women and girls bones found in the desert West of Albequerque? Epstein’s NM Ranch is not that far away….money buys coverups and frame jobs.. Plus he had a helicopter – quick trip by messenger with a big bag..and done.
Very informative, I think more people need to see this report. Thank you.
Re the possibility of aircraft in flight as opposed to on the ground… although all of the trees/shrubs have clearly observable shadows the plane image has odd deliberate looking white areas where ground shadows would be, making it impossible to determine if the intent was to prevent that verification. You may wish to re-examine photo originals.
Amber Baker
Corey this is an awesome report. You did a fantastic job. As a land/maps person I love looking at who owns what land. As I looked into this place and looking at various other places in New Mexico. I came across the Scientology Vault land. IT ALSO HAS NEW MEXICO OWNED LAND RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of its property. Just like Jeffrey Epstein Ranch in New Mexico. Hummm strange!!!! Will post a pic in twitter comments of this land.
Corey Lynn
That is interesting! What county is it in?
Bernard Sansaricq
Great article! Lots of good research, you deserve a lot of credit! I am very familiar with 2 of the actors on this story.: Bill Richardson and Bill Clinton. Both of these people have major responsibilities in the destruction of Haiti and the corruption, the drug trafficking going on there right now. Since 1994 the Clinton’s have been controlling everything going on in Haiti, including organs harvesting and child prostitution! Again great work! May GOD bless you and keep you safe. I escaped being murdered by the Clinton’s because President Joachim Balaguer of the Dominican Republic warned me in August of 1994 that I was on top of the Clinton’s murder’s list to be assassinated! Blessings!
Corey Lynn
Thank you! Blessings to you too my friend! ps) The next Epstein report I have coming has ties to the Clintons as well.
If you recall, last year there was a ‘compound’ discovered near Amelia, NM. where children were reportedly being trained as school shooters. A couple of Muslim men and several Muslim women were taken into custody, and about a dozen kids were rescued. As I recall (and my memory may be faulty but anyone can look it up) a man kidnapped his 3 year old handicapped child from his wife in Georgia, triggering a manhunt, and he and the others somehow ended up near Amelia, NM, where they set up camp. The missing child’s body was later discovered at that compound.
Per Google maps, Amelia is about 120 miles north of the Zorro ranch. While that seems like quite a distance, you also mentioned that Hollywood owns a large tract of land north of the ranch. I don’t know if there is any connection, but with Epstein’s record, and all of the kids involved at the compound, it may be worth looking in to. I will attach a CNN link to one of the articles about the compound to hopefully jog some memories.
PS… thank you for an interesting, informative article. I admire great research such as yours, because God knows, the mainstream media won’t do it.
This guy was working for intelligence, obviously. Sandia National Laboratories and Los Alamos are not far. Northern New Mexico is crawling with spies and has been for decades. Underground tunnels connect the labs to each other and military bases up to Colorado. Will anyone ever look into that? This story is really a spy story, the blackmail of powerful people. Those poor girls were used more than just for sex. 🙁
Richard Dumper jr
I looked at historical photos dating back to 2016 there was a large hole excavated directly behind the main house I can tell because of my previous jobs digging large holes and it looks to me like it was at least two stories deep also there is a second hole that is now just on the other side of the labyrinth area that’s much smaller I believe there has been a cover up of this or the investigation has not been done thorough enough they need to bring in a excavator and do one digging on the island and at the New Mexico location
There would be much to speak about but I just wanted to share how to pronounce Hawaiian….each pair with a vowel is spoken
For instance : Lihui…Lee,who,we
A ,low,ha…aloha,Bruce
If you wish to go deeper look up the writings of Max Freedom Long…a good read…
Kris Rigby
Great digs Corey. It is all suspicious. Zorro Ranch is conveniently located near Albuquerque & Santa Fe. What’s more evident is that a major corridor I25 south to north running straight from Ciudad St. Fe. If you turn due west on I40 that will take you thru Gallop straight to Long Beach, CA. We all remember past digs on LB port. Now this is where my wheels turn I40 runs thru major Indian Reservations. The Navajo, Zuni & Hopi. The Res doesn’t fall under federal jurisdiction, Tribal Police are the authority. They’re also under manned, paid & easy to bribe. Also, a little fact I remembered from watching the movie “Wind River”. The Reservations are notorious for missing children (predominantly female) every year & no one ever investigates & it’s under reported. Why? Because the feds rarely get involved. We also remember the story of a suspected HT camp earlier in the year in AZ. In addition they busted 25 people involved in HT in AZ just in July. The Indian Reservations dot I40 to the north & south from NM thru AZ to CA., offering easy passage off major corridors west to LB port which would go largely thru unpatrolled reservations. Think about it!
Bill Clinton, while governor of Arkansas, had many Mena connections between him and George Bush Sr regarding drug running out of the airport. I hate reading investigative reports that seem to only attack or implicate one side of the “aisle” when this whole human trafficking issue knows no boundaries. Bush Sr. was INFAMOUSLY KNOWN as the biggest pedophile in the political realm. Fingered by victims who took the stand in court after swearing to tell the truth– The Franklin Cover Up by Senator John DeCamp. Good read. As long as we continue to report on these heinous crimes and do so in a BIASED fashion as if the problem is segregated for lack of a better word, we will continue on as we are now doing, pointing our fingers at the evil Dems, or the progressives or the liberals. Please be fair. If you want to properly EDUCATE people on the evils of society, bring forth ALL TRUTHS, even if it means you are reporting FACTS to your own dismay or disappointment over who has been involved. If you can’t, we will forever be stuck in this huge lie that’s been perpetrated for years upon years.
Corey Lynn
Perhaps you should review all of my reports before claiming “bias reporting.” I’ve covered the gamut on traffickers and corruption, pointing to all walks of life. It doesn’t matter whether they are Democrats or Republicans, both parties are in my reports. The Arkansas Swamp series has plenty of Republicans that were charged and/or already serving time. Additionally, this specific article is about Zorro Ranch and connections surrounding it. It was not intended to encompass the entire world of trafficking, as that would require a series of books. Hence, this is why I break up “Nests” into individual reports so people can digest it. They all connect, the corruption is vast, and thousands are involved. “Fairness” doesn’t factor into my reports. I report the facts.
Cathy Eastman
Thank you! Excellent work. The Church of Scientology has a base in Trementina, New Mexico about a half hour’s flight from Epstein’s Zorro Ranch. The symbols at Trementina base can be seen from above.
Ruth King
Your article is suburb. Zerohedge printed an article today,July 31,2019 titled:
Epstein Planned to Seed Human Race with his DNA by Impregnating Scores of Women in NM. I read an article about Virginia Roberts. She stated he wanted her to have his child. She said she got very scared. He also stated he’d support her and child. If anything happened between them,he and Ghislaine would get total custody of the child.
Epstein Planned To Seed Human Race With
His DNA By Impregnating Scores Of Women
In New Mexico
Jailed pedophile Jeffrey Epstein wanted to seed the human race with his DNA by impregnating scores of women at his giant ranch in New Mexico, according to the New York Times……
Johnny Walker Read
As a life long resident of New Mexico I can tell you the Democrat Party in this state is as corrupt as the day is long. Do not expect anything to come form New Mexico Attorney General Democrat Hector Balderas’s investigation as he has many ties with all of the above listed Democrats. My guess is he is running interference and will do his best to protect his colleagues.
As for Stanely, New Mexico it is a well known hot spot for drug trafficking. It is also rumored the King’s are up to their eye balls in it. I worked with an old cowboy who had a small ranch somewhere in Stanley who told me a story about how he was ridding horseback on his ranch checking his cows when he came upon a clearing. In that clearing was a medium size box truck surrounded by men sporting AK-47’s glancing around nervously. His guess is these fine folk’s were waiting for a “drop” from a low flying aircraft. The old cowboy was lucky enough not to be spotted as he turned around and quickly headed back in the direction he came from. He told me he knew better than to contact any local law enforcement.
Nathaniel Hebert
I might have found some answers as to what the unknown structures 3 and 5 are.
Every few years, the Albuquerque Journal has made legal notices to the effect that “Zorro Inc” wants to change location of a well, or dig deeper into new aquifers.
From a notice in the Albuquerque Journal, 04 Feb, 2004:
DP # 1452
Zorro Ranch
Zorro Ranch, Zorro Trust, proposes to discharge up to 10,080 gallons per day of reverse osmosis reject water. Primary contaminants associated with this type of discharge include TDS… the Zorro Ranch is discharged to a synthetically lined lagoon for disposal through evaporation.
Other engineering proposals on the Zorro Ranch:
Corey Lynn
Excellent work! Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m going to look into this when I get more time. I’m working on a second report of an entirely different location at the moment, but this is great. Thank you!
Corey Lynn
I shared your article on twitter today where you added in these newspaper finds. Good job! 😉
I noticed that Lockheed Martin keeps popping up around Epstein and I find that connection interesting because LM bought John Ramsey’s company before Jonbenet was murdered.
Molly Lutgen
The land that was purchased by the Solar company(can’t remember the name) but is still vacant. It isn’t uncommon for whoever to buy parcels of land when its cheap and then sit on it waiting for things like maybe a tax credit before installing the solar panels. I know it seems like a long time to let land sit but that is how these things often work. The structure on the backside of the ranch with the shrubs and pile of rocks looks like a pad for a helicopter to land. They are often bullseye shaped to see it easily from the air. The bushes are to catch sand and prevent some of it from dusting the property. Looks like it was let go. Maybe it isn’t used anymore. That doesn’t look like a pile of rocks but maybe a platform. It would explain whey the same thing is found on his island. Lifestyles of the rich and famous was a show on TV and all the high profile people had helicopter pads that looked similar to this.
This is great work, Corey, pretty astounding. But quite apart from all of these elements, I have been troubled by another matter entirely to do with the Epstein case, and I wonder if you have given any considerations to it.
Namely, the fact that among the prosecutors in this case in New York, is SDNY Attorney Maurene Comey, none other than James Comey’s daughter. It’s been said that the SDNY has been, predictably enough, against Trump. My real concern is that she may have been positioned on the case to eliminate, or at least somehow contain, important evidence against some of the most VIP persons who may come to light among Epstein associates.
Thank you for your research Corey! The following tidbits may be nothing, but anything’s possible at this point…
-Actress Julia Roberts has a 50 acre ranch in Arroyo Seco, NM, which is north of Epstein’s Zorro Ranch.,48513
-Last year Netflix bought a Hollywood studio located in Albuquerque, NM
*****Netflix signed programming deal with the Obamas in 2018.
Finally, in Las Cruces, NM (right on the border of Mexico) I know of one mining company requiring assistance in the past with employment advertising due to difficulty recruiting regular miners because of the location of the mine(s). The rock/soil in that area does not require wood reinforcement as there is enough clay in the soil to hold the shape of the tunnels. Many miners coming to work there from “regular” mines suffered panic attacks for fear of cave-ins, hence the reason why the company required advertising assistance. My point? People with bad intentions and the right resources may take advantage of this geological phenomenon to build tunnels for sake of human trafficking.
you are such a lightworker …truth warrior and i just wanted to take a sec to thank you!!! your research is seriously amazing!
video to go with your interesting article?
Roberta Dobie
Any ties to uranium in this area? Could be ties to the Nevada ranchers case with BLM land. Also, reports said JonBenet was murdered by someone she knew.
Ryan K
why did hawking go to epstein island?
“But it is not yet clear when the conference – called ‘The Energy of Empty Space That Isn’t Zero’ – took place or how long it lasted. Stephen Hawking visited the island with of a group of particle
physicists, cosmologists and theorists, including three Nobel laureates
and experts on gravity, dark matter and string theory.
Maybe to check out the landing pad?
You might look into BILL SANDERS……Beto’s father in law. He owns a ranch somewhere near there as well. I have been on it years ago as a child before Epstein owned Zorro Ranch. Bill returned to El Paso after spending many years in Chicago Ill.
Bill Sanders has made billion dollar deals, one with GE. He comes from a jewish family. He is friends with Gov Bill Richardson. AND he is the biggest, foulest jerk I have ever had to be around in my life. He married Cita who was my step-mother’s cousin….Bill Sanders is one of the few people in my life I cannot stand….
Old news sometimes helps with today’s research.
I found a website which might have some nice gems.
Stephanie Smith
Please see my email. The corruption is familial all over NM. Friends of mine were ranchers for Ted Turner…my mom worked in Silver City NM in the courthouse. Follow the family money… Construction, police, Hollywood… Keep digging please!!
Isn’t that the Bonanza Creek Ranch on the satellite image of the Tom Ford parcels? The spot below the “O” in “CERRO”, just above the road?