Jeffrey Epstein’s St. Thomas Network, Comms, And An Elite School
Convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein has quite a network in St. Thomas, VI, from a tax attorney setting up a microwave radio transmission for private comms to Little St. James Island, to owning 50% of a marina with billionaire Andrew Farkas, to a group of fascinating and well-connected ladies on the board of an elite private school that sits on 27-acres where Epstein’s attorney was one of the first students. Coincidentally, many of these individuals have direct ties to former President Bill Clinton and the Clinton Global Initiative, in addition to corrupt former Governor of the Virgin Islands, John de Jongh and his wife Cecile. In fact, a big corruption investigation from years back tie some of these folks together.
• Many of Epstein’s business addresses in Red Hook Quarter St. Thomas, where his 50% ownership in American Yacht Harbor resides, go to the marina – dock B, slip 3. Coincidentally, so does a CPA’s who setup his private comms to Little Saint James.
• This network has tales of past corruption running up through legislators, a Clinton appointee, an Obama campaign bundler, and the former Governor of the Virgin Islands.
• There is an elite preparatory school that resides on 27-acres that is likely a grooming school for high-level positions, and some of the board members have ties to Jeffrey Epstein and the Clintons. Epstein’s attorney Paul Hoffman was one of the original 13 students.
Understanding The Network Diagram Below
To put this complex network into a comprehensible structure, a diagram has been created with color-coded lines so that the connections can be fully understood. What does this represent? Antilles School would appear to be the hub of most of these connections. From there it filters out to the board members, most of whom have been on the board in varying positions for years. The ladies listed in the diagram, in connection with the school, are indicated in red. The founders and original 13 students of the school paint quite a picture as well, with one of the students being Epstein’s attorney Paul Hoffman.
For example, Pamela Berkowsky is a Clinton appointee with a military background, who was made the former governor of the Virgin Island’s chief of staff, until she abruptly resigned over a scandal. This was long after she had served as the assistant chief of staff to secretary of defense William S. Cohen. She is married to Adam Shapiro who operates several medical facilities in St. Thomas, is a plastic surgeon, has a transport pilot license, and was involved in the scandal with Berkowsky. Jeanne Brennan Wiebracht, is a licensed CPA who utilizes Epstein’s address for her business, and is on documentation for an Epstein company that setup microwave radio transmission from St. Thomas to Little St. James Island. Claire Starkey is involved with the Clinton Global Initiative via her Fintrac company that was founded in 1990 and operates out of countries that overlap with the Clintons agendas. Marjorie Rawls Roberts was a campaign bundler for Barack Obama, assisted criminals in setting up tax breaks in VI, has worked with the Clinton Global Initiative, and is a political-power-wannabe who would likely do anything just to stand in their shadows. Roberts took Erika Kellerhals under her wing and showed her the ropes, before Kellerhals established her law firm – the firm that maintained the documents for Epstein’s Gratitude For America Ltd. Foundation. Cecile de Jongh, former first lady to the Gov. was the manager for Epstein’s Southern Trust Company, Inc., a company that donated to Antilles School. Amexa Rivadeneira, the director of foundation accounts for Catchafire, who works with the Clinton Global Initiative, used to serve in the senate office of Kirsten Gillibrand.
Oh what a tangled web they weave, and this is just a snippet of what this web has been up to. The details are in the backgrounds and affiliations, as well as locations they’ve operated in. All of these ladies diagrammed below, are not only serving the board of Antilles School, they are a tight-knit group, and are all friends on Facebook.
The Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands (CFVI) is another connecting point, that works with Antilles School, the Clinton Global Initiative, Fintrac, and Catchafire. Aside from serving on the board of Antilles School, Pamela Berkowsky, Clarie Starkey, and two other board members not diagramed here also served on the board of CFVI. Beginning to see the arms of control?
So why is former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder indicated on this diagram? Holder was involved with big investigations into a financial criminal ring that went all the way up through legislatures, telecommunications companies, and the governor himself in the U.S. Virgin Islands. This corruption scandal dragged on for years, and it is alleged that Holder himself had put the brakes on it. The full story and the players involved is documented below.
Take a good look at the diagram below, study it, absorb everything that’s been revealed above, and then scroll down to see the individual resumes of these folks with the key connecting points that ties this all together. The corruption scandal follows the resumes.

In 2008 Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to soliciting a minor for prostitution in a plea deal that only required him to spend 13 months in jail, of which he served most of in his Palm Beach office on “work release.” There were dozens of victims, a 50-page indictment on sex trafficking charges that was shelved, and a secret plea deal that concealed the full extent of his crimes and granted immunity to any potential co-conspirators. It stunk, and is now in the spotlight again. A judge recently ruled for the unsealing of up to 2,000 pages of judicial documents to show evidence of whether Epstein and his partner Ghislaine Maxwell were recruiting underage girls in an international sex trafficking operation.
Epstein was taken into custody on July 6, 2019 on charges of sex trafficking minors and conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking of minors. The indictment states he conspired with others to carry out these acts. They have tentatively set his trial for 10-13 months out due to 1,000,000 pages of evidence against Epstein that they are sifting through.
This particular network in St. Thomas is only one of many networks and potential operations that Epstein is involved with. Many of Epstein’s connections have criminal histories, and many sit in very high places.
The Players
Jeanne Brennan Wiebracht

• Weibracht is a licensed CPA with a master’s degree in accounting and BA in psychology. Her business, Accounting Strategies Group, LLC’s address is listed at 6100 Red Hook Quarter B3, St. Thomas, VI 00802. This is boat slip 3 located at dock B in the America Yacht Harbor marina. This is the same address where several of Jeffrey Epstein’s businesses resolve to. Wiebracht is also listed in Epstein’s black book as a contact under his Financial Trust Company on the “Island” section.

• Wiebracht is originally from Holmdel, NJ, moved to Washington D.C. from 1993 – 2003, and then moved to St. Thomas in 1994 just one year after Epstein purchased Zorro Ranch in New Mexico, and four years prior to him purchasing Little St. James Island.
• She has served as a trustee on the board of Antilles School for years. Both of her daughters have attended Antilles School.
• She donated $250 to Obama’s campaign in 2008.
• Her husband Mathias founded See & Ski Powerboat Rentals in 1983, which is located at Dock A, right next to Epstein’s dock B in the same marina. They also own Maritime Yacht Sales in Holmdel, New Jersey. They also service St. John, St. Croix, St. Thomas, and Water Island. • Her brother George Brennan, who still resides in New Jersey, is a mechanical engineer at NAVAIR, whereby he designs ship integration for a system that operates on aircraft carriers, and works with stakeholders. He has been an engineer since 2001 and has worked with ships and aircraft since 2009.
• Her father George G. Brennan, MD, passed away in 2016 in Holmdel, NJ. He specialized in pediatrics and adolescent medicine in the 1960s and served as a doctor for 57 years. He worked with special needs children and worked closely with the Child Study Teams in school districts. He was also a lector and religious education teacher at St. Catharine’s Church of Holmdel, NJ.
One of Epstein’s companies is VT&T, LLC, pointing to the same address in Red Hook Quarter, and Jeanne Brennan is listed as the contact for a microwave industrial/business pool license. Basically, this is an 18.7 ghz microwave radio transmission for private communications that runs from Stalley St. Thomas to Little St. James Island and points back. The license was granted on October 17, 2014 and doesn’t expire until October 17, 2024. The equipment is by Dragonwave Inc. Model: 18HY40HFC279V01 HAAM.

On the documentation, it requires a yes or no to the question, “Has the applicant or any party to this application, or any party directly or indirectly controlling the applicant, ever been convicted of a felony by any state or federal court?” They answered YES, as they should.

The equipment was mounted on the lower portion of the tower that was already equipped with numerous other transmitters. Because of that, a company by the name of Micronet Communications, Inc. out of Plano, Texas performed a frequency coordination study according to FCC rules and regulations. This entailed running tests to ensure there was no interference with existing parties. At that time, there were 24 other parties/companies that had equipment on this particular tower, most of whom were bigger name companies.
The coordinates of the tower on Stalley are at the south-east area of St. Thomas, where the tower is quite visible by satellite, and the pin is only feet away from the tower, based on those coordinates. Yet, the coordinates on Little St. James Island do not resolve to a tower or structure, and in fact, fall adjacent to the tennis courts, not too far from the famous sundial. Perhaps the satellite image is prior to 2014 or there is another form of equipment capable of this transmission? Or perhaps the sundial is equipped with something extra special?

Back in 2004, Jeffrey Epstein and his attorney Paul Hoffman were working to get a $1.2 million underwater fiber-optic cable project passed that would run from Red Hook in St. Thomas to Epstein’s island Little St. James.
Cecile de Jongh

• Former first lady to Gov. John de Jongh.
• She was Jeffrey Epstein’s office manager for his Southern Trust Company, Inc., which was a DSB providing extensive DNA database and data mining. Epstein was very invested in science, human behavior, and the brain. One of his projects regarding AI is covered in Eugenics, Infertility & Population Growth Crisis.

• She has served on the board for the Antilles School in the position of treasurer for several years. Her and John are listed as “parent donors – parents of alumni” in the Antilles School Review 2017.
• Cecile is also listed in Epstein’s black book, just above Jeanne.
Pamela Berkowsky

Berkowsky’s background is quite extensive, including being appointed by former President Clinton to serve as the assistant chief of staff to secretary of defense William S. Cohen. In her own words, she documents her background on her LinkedIn account.

• In 1997, the New York Times wrote a short article on the marriage of Berkowsky to Adam Shapiro. At that time, Berkowsky was the Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of the Navy.
• In 2000, she was listed on the Term Member Program for the Council on Foreign Relations, under the seminars and roundtables. Her title at that time was Assistant Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Defense, U.S. Department of Defense. Other notables are David Rockefeller, Federal Reserve, Harvard, CNN, WaPo, Asia Society, and many more.
• She has been the Practice Administrator for her husbands Virgin Islands Ear, Nose & Throat practice since 2002.
• In 2010 she served on the board of the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands, and had agreed to serve another three-year term.
• Berkowsky served as a trustee for the Antilles School board for several years.
• While working for the governor of the Virgin Islands, Berkowsky tried to pull a fast one on getting her husband’s company special Virgin Islands tax rates, was ousted, and abruptly resigned. This is all referenced in the corruption section below.
• She is the COO of Aerospace Medical Sleep Consultants, which is registered to Pamela and Adam’s Coral Gables home in Florida. It is based out of Miami, FL and St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. According to their website, they improve the safety and efficiency in aviation and the space industry, specifically with sleep disorders and fatigue, but list a myriad of “expertise” in other health-related areas. The industries they serve are quite extensive and cover aviation, spaceflight, air traffic control, maintenance, commercial, governmental, charter operations, military, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, and service North America, South America, Caribbean, Europe, Asia, Oceania, and Africa.
• She founded Blue Sapphire Strategies, LLC on February 27, 2018, registered to her Coral Gables mansion in Florida.
Adam Shapiro

• Husband to Pamela Berkowsky. As indicated in the corruption section below, Shapiro created a company called JaminDoodle Productions, LLC, which partnered with VI 4D, LLLP to apply for tax breaks to build a 4-D theater for Virgin Island Tourists. They tried to quietly slip this through via Berkowsky’s PBB Blind Trust, which owns 49% of JaminDoodle, so as to receive big tax breaks in the Virgin Islands. Berkowsky abruptly resigned when she was ousted.
• Shapiro has 14 Years of college under his belt with an AB in biochemistry from Cornell University, and MD from George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences, four years at Albany Medical College for otolaryngology head and neck surgery, and four years at the University of Pittsburgh for facial plastic surgery. Just to throw a dash of humor in, Shapiro attended high school in “Great Neck, NY.”

• Founder and President of Aerospace Medical Sleep Consultants since 2015 in Miami, FL and St. Thomas, VI, that he operates with his wife Pamela.
• Head and neck plastic surgeon.
• Founded Virgin Islands Ear, Nose & Throat, P.C. with offices on St. Thomas and St. Croix.
• Founded Virgin Islands Facial Plastic Surgery.
• Founded Virgin Islands Allergy Center.
• Founded Virgin Islands Hearing and Balance Center and the St. Thomas Sleep Center.
• He obtained his practitioner controlled substance license for schedule II – IV narcotic substances and is a licensed medical doctor and surgeon in the U.S. Virgin Islands, California, District of Columbia, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Whereas his medical licenses listed on his Virgin Islands Ear, Nose & Throat business doesn’t list Arkansas, he had a temporary license from March 23, 2018 thru November 30, 2019, and a separate one from March 16, 2018 through April 6, 2018. This is all rather strange being as he doesn’t appear to have facilities in these locations. What would he possibly need a medical license for in these states, and a temporary one in Arkansas over the past year+?
According to the Arkansas Medical Board, physicians can apply for a temporary license prior to obtaining a permanent license providing they meet the qualifications and requirements, in addition to other criteria such as “the physician must practice medicine in an area of critical medical shortage in Arkansas.” In other words, either his medical background in sleep issues, plastic surgery, or ear, nose and throat issues would have to be a medical shortage in Arkansas for him to obtain the license. So what it is Dr. Shapiro intends on doing in Arkansas, a location far away from his other practices in St. Thomas, who’s schedule would make a grown man cry? And more importantly, as a transport pilot, what exactly is he transporting, and to where?
• He is a licensed pilot and aircraft commander and former assistant district flight safety officer with the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary at Air Station Borinquen in Puerto Rico. He has several certifications dating back to 1993 as a commercial pilot for a single-rating engine both land & seaplane and multi engine land, in addition to a 2015 certification as an airline transport pilot Citation Jet CE-500 type rating.
• From 1995 to present, he is an FAA designated senior aviation medical examiner.
• As a licensed pilot he flew his Beachcraft turboprop to Haiti in 2010 to assist after the earthquake, and brought along a few other doctors.
• In addition to running multiple facilities simultaneously and directing a laboratory at his allergy testing center, he is also a Roy L. Schneider Hospital staff physician, and is an associate professor at the University of the Virgin Islands School of Medicine in St. Thomas and St. Croix.
• He is also friends with most of these women on the board of Antilles School as seen on their facebook accounts and LinkedIn endorsements. His companies donate to Antilles School as well.
• Shapiro’s background is so extensive, it would require multiple people to carry out all of these positions simultaneously, not to mention the medical licenses in numerous states. His extensive background can be viewed here.
Shapiro’s organization created a campaign PAC in 2014, which accrued over $340,000 from physicians all across the country, that was disbursed to both Democrat and Republican candidates for the House of Representatives and Senate in numerous states.

Marjorie Rawls Roberts, P.C. “The Bundler”

• She worked with the London and Washington D.C. law firm of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher from 1981-1985. From 1985-1988 she served as an attorney advisor in the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Tax Policy in D.C. She was chief counsel to the U.S. Virgin Islands Bureau of Internal Revenue from 1988-1995. And, from 1995-1999 was the director and VP for Globalvest Management Company, LP, a St. Thomas based investment company managing $1 billion in investments in Russia and Latin America through offshore funds.
• Her schooling entailed the University of Geneva, Switzerland, and holds law degrees from Harvard and Cambridge universities. She is admitted to practice law in California, Washington D.C., the U.S. Virgin Islands, and before the Third Circuit Court of Appeals.
• Her expertise is in offshore funds, investments, and taxation. She is the U.S. Virgin Islands correspondent for Tax Notes International and on the board of several tax and offshore investment related organizations.
• Roberts was a big campaign bundler for Barack Obama’s 2012 reelection, having pledged to raise between $100,000 and $200,000. She believed Obama was the “Greatest President.” She also donated to Hillary For America’s 2016 campaign.

• She has assisted criminals and ponzi schemers in setting up special tax breaks in the U.S. Virgin Islands, and indicated below under the corruption scandal. Debbie Wasserman Schultz was scheduled to do an Obama fundraiser event with her, but when the scandal broke publicly, Wasserman canceled her trip.
• Having served on the board of the Antilles School for several years, Roberts daughter Marjorie is currently attending Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. Following in her mother’s political footsteps, she shares photos of herself with politicians on her facebook page as well.

• Roberts was a big fan of the Clintons as well. In fact, she was so instrumental in assisting the Clinton Global Initiative, they included a big thank you to her in their June 4, 2019 press release.

Marjorie thoroughly enjoys her connections to those in power, going all the way back to her youth, and she really likes to brag about it. On January 7, 2019 she proclaimed “I was walking on Magens Bay and ran into Governor Bill Richardson, who I’ve gotten to know well over the past few years.” Richardson is the former governor of New Mexico, took campaign funds from convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, is tight with Bill Clinton, and happened to be in St. Thomas at the time Albert Bryan Jr. was inaugurated as the USVI’s governor.

UPDATE: A few hours after publishing this story, the Epstein depositions and exhibits were released by court order. There are many name drops, one of them being Bill Richardson. See clip below from court documents. Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Prince Andrew and numerous others were listed as well. More on this in future reports.

In 2007, Albert Bryan Jr. was appointed as the Commissioner of Labor by then Governor John P. de Jongh. During his eight-year tenure, he implemented the Jobs for America’s Graduates Initiative for at-risk youth, secured over $14 million in additional funding for training and improvement of services at the Department of Labor, and $150 million in federal unemployment benefits.
Governor Charles Turnbull of VI was the governor before John de Jongh. Turnbull is in Epstein’s black book as well.
Apparently, Roberts has also worked with Bloomberg on the Energy Committee of the Governor’s Recover and Resiliency Task Force, as she stated back in August 2018. Here, she is in awe of Bill and Hillary Clinton, and even wore a Hillary Clinton for President bracelet to show Bill at the event.

But that’s not all. Roberts always attends the annual Fonkoze board meeting in D.C. – “a micro-finance organization that works exclusively in Haiti – mostly with women and children.” Who else works with Fonkoze? The Clinton Foundation of course. In fact, they have three pages of press releases that include Fonkoze in them – just give it a search.
Fonkoze was founded in 1994 – that magic year – by Anne H. Hastings and Father Joseph Phillipe. They have 44 branches throughout Haiti, serving poor and ultra-poor women in rural Haiti.

Erika Kellerhals

• Marjorie Rawls Roberts took Kellerhals under her wings when she arrived in the Virgin Islands in 2003 from New York.
• In 2008 she launched Kellerhals Ferguson Kroblin PLLC, with locations in St. Thomas, VI and on Wall Street in New York, NY.
• Erika Kellerhals is listed as the Secretary on Jeffrey Epstein’s 2015 tax returns for his company called Gratitude America Ltd. Foundation based out of St. Thomas, VI. It also states that the books are in her care.
• She has served on the Antilles School board for several years.
Claire Starkey

• Starkey has served on the board of Antilles School for several years, and is currently listed as the President on their website.

• She founded Fintrac, Inc. in 1990, the same year the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands (CFVI) was founded. She has also served on the board of CFVI, who does a LOT of work with the Clinton Global Initiative. Fintrac is allegedly an agricultural consulting company that coincidentally operates out of many of the same countries as the Clinton Foundation, such as Haiti, Africa, Jamaica, Central America, and Asia.
• In 2012 they partnered with ‘Feed The Future,’ and were spotlighted by then-Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton, along with other famous guests.
• Starkey once managed a small business program for USAID in the Eastern Caribbean. She is enamored by Bill & Melinda Gates as well as the former World Bank President Jim Yong Kim.
• She donated 4 times, contributing $2400 in 2007-2008 to Obama’s campaign. Ray Waldron from Fintrac also donated $250 to Obama.
• Kimberly Flowers was Fintrac’s communications director from 2011-2015. Prior to that she was the senior communications specialist for USAID from 2010-2011. In fact, she was in Haiti from January 2010 – April 2010 as the public affairs officer in the aftermath of the earthquake. Flowers served for USAID from 2005-2011 and was a Peace Corps volunteer in 1999.
• Ramananda Gupta, another previous staff member of Fintrac, also previously worked for USAID.
Amexa Rivadeneira

• Rivandeneira is the director of foundation accounts for the non-profit Catchafire, who works with the Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands and the Clinton Global Initiative.
• She has served on the board of Antilles School.
• Prior to Catchafire, she served in the Senate office of Kirsten Gillibrand
• In a June 5, 2019 press release titled “CFVI and Catchafire Announce Commitment to Action During Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Conference on Tuesday.” This 2-year partnership is to provide support to 150 nonprofit organizations in the Virgin Islands. CGI introduced Catchafire to CFVI for this partnership.

A Few Key Side Notes on The Antilles Board Members Listed Above
A few other names of significance: Juanita Young has also served on the Antilles school board and is listed as a parent in their 2017 review booklet. Angelina Daswani and Vivek Daswani are listed under three separate years for upcoming graduation dates, meaning they are paying over $60,000 per year for their three children to attend. Angelina Daswani is also on the Antilles school board and her husband Vivek was on the board of the Community Foundation for the Virgin Islands back in 2010 working side-by-side with Pamela Berkowsky. According to records, they also own property in Florida, and are listed as merchants of jewelry.
Andrew Farkas

• Deutsche Bank and New York real estate titan.
• In 2007, nearly a year after Epstein was charged for soliciting girls for prostitution, Farkas and Epstein formed a 50-50 partnership in a port deal – American Yacht Harbor, which is located in Red Hook St. Thomas. The boat dock/slip B3 at this marina is where many of Epstein’s business addresses resolve to. It entails a 127 slip marina along with a small shopping center. Up until recently, Epstein was always referred to as a “passive investor” so as to remain anonymous.
• American Yacht Harbor provided slips for supersized yachts, which may have been beneficial for friends, such as Wexner.
• Epstein leased 3,200 sq. feet of office space at the marina, in addition to six boat slips.

• Farkas owns IGY Marinas, which has 17 ports spanning from St. Thomas to Turks & Caicos, St. Lucia, Colombia, Italy, France, New York, Florida, Maine, and Mexico just to name a few.
• The ports in Turks & Caicos, as well as St. Lucia, are both locations where the Clintons, Richard Branson, and several others are running their ‘Ten Island Challenge’ program, whereby they are allegedly there to help with “climate change” by setting up solar farms. However, this venture has expanded to include over 20 islands, has entered the tourism industry, and is supported by Bill Gates, George Soros, Dennis O’Brien, The World Bank, and numerous other individuals and organizations.
A Glimpse Into Antilles School

All of the proud families and contributors’ names can be seen splashed across many of the buildings on campus.
Antilles school is a private preparatory school that first launched in 1950 by founding head Deborah Finch – a woman from St. Croix with a teaching degree from New York University who wanted to establish a private school.
Jeffrey Epstein’s attorney Paul Hoffman was one of the original 13 students of Antilles School, and has this to say about Finch:
I was fortunate to have gone to a lot of good schools – Andover, Bryanston, Harvard – and Debbie Finch was the best school person I ever met. She was tough, fair and demanding, yet she somehow never left failure open as an option.
Another notable from the original 13 students was Michael Paiewonsky, whose mother helped founded Antilles School and served on its board from 1953 to 1983. Their family background is quite extensive with deep ties throughout the Virgin Islands, holding high political positions, running a publishing house in St. Thomas and Rome, among other things.
Antilles School eventually expanded to a 27-acre campus and Headmaster mark Marin, now deceased, was instrumental in raising big money for the campus from 1979-2001. Today, the school provides $1.3 million annually to assist 55% of the student body.
Dr. Michael Hughs more recently served as headmaster for several years prior to moving to Bethesda Academy in Maryland in 2016. He also used to serve in leadership and academic positions at West Point.

Children begin as young as toddlers and continue through high school. Fees range from $10,900 per year for toddlers all the way up to $20,475 per year for grades 9-12. They have roughly 500 students attending per year with over 100 faculty and support staff.
In addition to the individuals on the board covered throughout this report, dating back to 2000, tax returns reflect that Eliot David, Bob Schmidt, Patricia Murphy Gruber, and Juanita Young go way back as board members prior to the board expanding to numerous trustees and other positions. Gruber has the Peter & Patricia Gruber Foundation, which was founded in 1993, and they contributed $2,000 in campaign funds to New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson in 2007, where Epstein purchased his Zorro Ranch from former Governor Bruce King.
In addition to Marjorie Rawls Roberts being a campaign bundler for Barack Obama, there are several others connected to Antilles School that contributed as well. Paul Horowitz donated $4,600 between 2007-2008 during his time as headmaster of Antilles School. Jeanne Brennan Wiebracht donated $250. Claire Starkey contributed $2400. And, Sandra Colbourne of the VI police department donated $1500.
In short, it would appear that Antilles School was created with intention, but not the intention that is purported. It has deeply rooted connections to criminals, convicted sex offenders, and high-level politicians. It is likely a combination of a “network” that work together to carry out nefarious actions, pay-to-play schemes, potentially money laundering, and acts as a grooming school to bring their children into positions of power.
Financial Corruption Scandal During The Obama Administration Involving Key Players
This is a scandal that ties in former Gov. John P. de Jongh, his attorney general Vincent Frazer, $23 million Clinton donor S. Donald Sussman, friend to the Governor and Jeffrey Epstein – attorney Paul Hoffman, tax attorney Marjorie Rawls Roberts, Clinton’s appointee Pamela Berkowsky, Adam Shapiro – Berkowky’s husband. Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder was at the reins, yet he decided to put the brakes on arrest teams with sealed indictments in place.
In February 2012, The Daily Caller broke the story on a 13-month criminal investigation into a financial crime ring that involved former Gov. John P. De Jongh Jr., his attorney general, and several legislators that had taken bribes. U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder approved the investigation and arrest teams that included 25 federal prosecutors and it was alleged that two had been compromised and allegedly corrupt. It’s important to note that in 2010 an IG report concluded that de Jongh had used $490,000 in public road repair funds improperly to upgrade his mansion, but was never held accountable.
It is alleged that in May 2012, de Jongh was flying to Washington, D.C. to purportedly meet with DOJ officials about this case, including Holder himself.
The investigation began due to the National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation (CFC) and their subsidiaries books not jiving. The CFC was founded in 1969 in Dulles, Virginia. They were allegedly inflating their own balance sheet and siphoning money from the Rural Telephone Finance Cooperative (RTFC) over to CFC because they were exempt from federal income tax, whereas RTFC was not. A large amount of CFC’s money comes from the federal government, receiving $5.1 billion just between 2005 – 2010. This scandal also included the Governor accepting cash bribes in exchange for facilitating the sale of a telecommunications company to CFC.
By 2011, Paul Pelletier, then the Fraud Section Deputy Chief of the DOJ’s criminal division, had a grand jury underway investigating CFC and other crimes. But, Pelletier officially retired May 13, 2011 before the case was closed and arrests were made. It was later determined that the case had grown exponentially to 26 or 27 prosecutors, a meeting was called, and two corrupt prosecutors who were taking bribes to not move the investigation along, were removed. Arrest teams were put in place, indictments were to be served, and then it all halted.
In October 2011, a raid on one of the Virgin Island’s government building’s central computer system and the office if a senator, took place by 25 agent from the IRS, DEA and the U.S. Marshall Service. It was never stated what this raid was about or if any evidence was seized.
In April 2012 the Daily Caller continued its reporting on these criminal investigations and had confirmed that Marjorie Rawls Roberts was in fact the tax attorney who was helping a company owned by CFC with an application to receive the same offshore tax benefits. These applications all get approved through the Governor. But it’s not just CFC, Roberts helped convicted $7 billion investment fraud schemer R. Allen Stanford with his application as well.

While assisting criminal clients with navigating the Virgin Islands’ tax loopholes, Roberts worked diligently on bundling campaign funds for Obama’s 2012 reelection, having pledged to raise between $100,000 and $200,000. As seen in her facebook photos and comments, she believes “Obama is the greatest President.” Though, she seems pretty smitten on Clinton too. In fact, the majority of Roberts posts reveal her sense of political power connections are of the utmost importance to her.
Given all this heat, DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz canceled her U.S. Virgin Islands fundraiser appearance with Marjorie Rawls Roberts. She was scheduled to appear at the “Obama Victory Fund 2012” event, which was advertised as “Breakfast with DNC Chair, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.”
Another name on the chopping block in 2012, was U.S. Rep. Chellie Pingree’s husband, S. Donald Sussman. Sussman, who was a resident of USVI, also utilized the VI tax shelter which requires one to be a resident of USVI, but as of 2011 listed his residency as Maine. Sussman was appointed to the Board of Trustees of the University of the Virgin Islands by Gov. John de Jongh in 2008. He later pledged $1,000,000 to the university. Coincidentally, Sussman’s attorney was Paul Hoffman who is a good friend to the Governor and Jeffrey Epstein’s attorney. He’s even noted under “Island” contacts in Epstein’s black book.
In July 2012 John de Jongh’s chief of staff abruptly resigned after her and her husband were caught trying to grant a company they created, the spectacular tax breaks the USVI provides. Who might this person be? Pamela Berkowsky. Adam Shapiro, Berkowsky’s husband, was the manager of a company called JaminDoodle Productions, LLC, which partnered with VI 4D, LLLP to apply for tax breaks to build a 4-D theater for Virgin Island Tourists. They tried to quietly slip this through via Berkowsky’s PBB Blind Trust, which owns 49% of JaminDoodle.
Fast forward to August 18, 2015 – former Gov. John de Jongh was arrested on embezzlement charges after years of local and federal law enforcement officials stalling the investigations. Both de Jongh and former director of the Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority Julito Frances were arrested on two counts of embezzlement of public monies and neglecting to pay over public monies in violation of the Virgin Islands criminal code. Of course, this had to do with the $490,000 that de Jongh spent on private use as opposed to the other big investigation with CFC.
Though this arrest seemed like a step in the right direction, the charges were dropped with prejudice and the case was permanently dismissed. He did have to pay the Government of the Virgin Islands roughly $380,000 to settle the dispute, but as usual, all other corruption seems to have been swept under the rug.
Gov. John de Jongh celebrated Barack Obama’s inauguration by proclaiming January 20, 2009 as “President Barack Obama Day” in the U.S. Virgin Islands, and gave all government employees the day off.

Common Threads
Some of these folks go back decades with one another. Look at the mapping below.
• Adam Shapiro (Pamela Berkowsky’s husband) flew to Haiti right after the earthquake in 2010 and brought along a few doctors.
• Kimberly Flowers, the communications director for Fintrac from 2011-2015, also went to Haiti from January – April 2010 when she was the public affairs officer for USAID.
• Claire Starkey’s Fintrac company has also worked in Haiti, and Starkey used to manage a small business program for USAID in the Eastern Caribbean.
• Clinton Global Initiative and other Clinton Foundation shell companies have done their fair share of a “workover” in Haiti.
• Marjorie Rawls Roberts worked with Fonkoze USA, a micro-finance organization that works exclusively with Haiti – mostly women and children. Fonkoze has worked with the Clinton Foundation on many occasions.

Antilles School Board:
• Pamela Berkowsky (connected to Bill Clinton & Gov. John de Jongh)
• Jeanne Brennan Wiebracht (connected to Epstein)
• Claire Starkey (connected to CGI)
• Cecile de Jongh (connected to Epstein)
• Erika Kellerhals (connected to Epstein)
• Marjorie Rawls Roberts (connected to CGI & Gov. John de Jongh)

Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands Board:
• Pamela Berkowsky
• Claire Starkey
• Marjorie Rawls Roberts
• Angela Deswani (Antilles School board member not included in diagram)
• Juanita Young (Antilles School board member not included in diagram)
• Clinton Global Initiative has worked with CFVI on many CGI projects over the years
• CFVI donated $1000 to Obama’s campaign in 2007
CFVI was established in 1990 with a $540,000 endowment – the same year Fintrac, Inc. was founded. It is governed by a board of directors, several of whom are in this report. They manage more than 100 named funds, award grants to numerous non-profits, and administer scholarships.
One example, and there are many with the Clinton Global Initiative, is their commitment in 2018 with the American Federation of Teachers and Airlink to conduct extensive preventative health screenings for vision, hearing, and dental needs, to schoolchildren in the U.S. Virgin Islands, following the 2017 hurricane season. 9,000 children to be exact.
In this June 2019 Clinton Foundation press release, they detail how CFVI and Planned Parenthood, along with numerous other organizations, are working together with Clinton Global Initiative on 29 new CGI projects. Over 400 international leaders attended their recent meeting at the University of the Virgin Islands in St. Thomas.
Interesting Find
Notice anything familiar? This is a historical photo from the Virgin Islands that was published in a March, 2019 article about the Virgin Islands history month.

The same pattern can be seen on the Government House in St. Thomas, which was built between 1865-1867, with roman numerals equating to 1874 on the building itself.

It would appear to be a historical pattern/design that Epstein took a liking to and incorporated into one of his structures on Little St. James Island.

Atop the structure sit an interesting character that resembles the ancient Egyptian deity Horus. Perhaps there is much more to this symbolism than meets the eye?

This is but one small network tied to convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. He is likely tied to numerous operational networks throughout the Caribbean, in addition to the network surrounding his New Mexico Zorro Ranch I’ve previously reported on. Is it a coincidence that both Yolanda Jones King, wife to former New Mexico AG Gary King, and Pamela Berkowsky both have very high-level ties to defense and military and are connected to Jeffrey Epstein through multiple individuals? Unlikely.
Is it coincidence that Epstein’s attorney Paul Hoffman was one of the 13 original students at Antilles School and that one of the founders was Michael Paiewonsky’s mother? Is it odd that one of former President Bill Clinton’s appointees as assistant chief of staff to secretary of defense was on the board of Antilles School, and that she worked directly with former Governor John de Jongh? Or, that one of Obama’s bundlers and Clinton’s CGI helpers is also on the board? How about Epstein’s CPA private comms gal for Little St. James – just another coincidence? Or, Epstein’s former office manager and wife to the governor, Cecile de Jongh. What exactly is Antilles School up to? Is it a grooming school or is there a lot more to it?
Some of these ladies may look like small potatoes, but don’t be fooled, as these are the ones that are instrumental in carrying out important tasks to running these operations, such as setting up private comms, creating shell companies with incredible tax breaks, being the go-between to higher officials, etc. If these webs are not dismantled from the bottom up they will continue to thrive and operate under other leaders or “handlers.”
In this particular web, every single one of the people listed in this report are Democrats, which is not to say that Republicans are not corrupt, because we know this isn’t the case. So why did Eric Holder put the brakes on the 2012 investigations when arrest teams and sealed indictments were in place? What and who was he protecting? There are certainly a lot of Obama supporters in this club.
Perhaps even more concerning is Clinton appointee Pamela Berkowsky that is wrapped in with all of these folks and whose husband has medical licenses in multiple states, coupled with a transport pilot license.
Though this two-week-long dig may appear to be thorough, this is only spotlighting the surface of these connections. If I had several more weeks to dig, I could probably tell you what they all ate for dinner last Saturday night. That said, all of this still raises the question – are Bill & Hillary Clinton involved with child trafficking, because we know for certain that Jeffrey Epstein is, as well as many of their other friends and colleagues.
Download this full report in PDF format from the Bookshop. >

Any connection here to LESLIE A. COOPER ~ long-time resident in USVI? His original specialty was telecommunications (being on the ground floor of the computer age) on Long Island, NY. He then relocated to the USVI where he was active within the government and land development within the USVI. He married a long-time USVI resident (Robin?) and were known as a “power couple.” He passed away about 10+ years ago.
Duard Addington
I’m recently familiar with Corey’s Digs. I would like to know if the information you print is being considered by the Trump administration as leads, etc. I am a Christian and Child Of My Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. I know who wins, I follow scripture. Maybe it’s just my fleshly desire to see these atrocities brought to American justice, I’m aware of my own place in these times. Stay safe, and ABOVE ALL, GIVE YOUR LIFE TO CHRIST FOR ABSOLUTE TRUTH AND POWER. Thank you. Duard
Outstanding dig’s….you are the news

On Epstein’s temple:
The pattern on the buildings is Mamluk. Dig on that for one minute and it all comes into focus.
The sulpher-crested cockatoo: “Species that feed on the ground are very vulnerable to predator attack. The cockatoo has evolved a behavioural adaptation to protect against this: whenever there is a flock on the ground, there is at least one high up in a tree (usually a dead tree), keeping guard. This is so well known that it has even entered Australian slang: a person keeping guard for sudden police raids on illegal gambling gatherings is referred to as a cockatoo or cocky for short.”
paul muaddib
hey corey. outstanding work!! i’m brand new to reading your stuff but really glad i found you. thought this might help if you wanted to add. google earth photoshopped a cloud covering the underground construction but i was able to calculate how much was excavated. i left the time stamps on the time lapse video so you can see when it was being done.
Corey ifn ya keeps a doin this soon we will have the whole filthy picture. Loves ya i does yous the best : )
Kevin Bushey
Wow, Maine has lots of connections in this research. Let me add a few more tidbits to your story. Maine’s Senator Angus King owns property in St. Thomas. Cohen was alleged to be involved in a pedo issue in the 90s. A man disappeared over a brownstone file on Cohen ( . Maine has its own Maine community foundation. I did an open source dig and found the form 990s suspect (money laundering?). It was set up by Peter Hunt (Chicago Area Projects). He has digs on ME coast. King is connected through his boston lawyer brother-in-law Tom Hermon to FMR Corp, who made him an overnight millionaire, FMR set up COLT-City of London Telecommunications (cyber/security of City of L- connected to Rothshilds). King and Cohen, along with Sen S. Collins (bloodline family) have been running Maine with Sussman and their complete spider web through the foundations. Or course you likely know families like Rockefeller, Vanderbilts, etc have summer places in Maine. The web is deep, and the business model is through all the foundations on how they launder money, drugs, trafficking, etc. It will all be revealed in time.
Kevin Bushey
I forgot to mention, the Lolitia Express made several stops in Bangor ME through the years. Maine is in the middle of alot of crap, and the powers and principalities are very strong….
Corey, nice work. Sounds like your on the tip of uncovering evidence of their connections between trafficking victims from Haiti and other places to Mayo Clinic in Debbie Wasserman Shultz’ district. It looks alot like an underground railroad for stolen organs to transplant. Jason Goodman has interviewed a few people making these allegations. Would love to see you uncover evidence. thank you.
Apparently Bill Richardson has been revealed as one of the politicians to whom Jeffery Epstein provided an underage victim. This information seems to have come out in a release of documents associated with the defamation case against Ghislaine Maxwell.
Corey Lynn
Indeed. I saw that drop just hours after this report published. I have him in my Zorro Ranch report on Epstein as well.
Joel Nagy
Is literally EVERYBODY Jewish that is involved in this? Will people please begin calling this out and stop being afraid of the GIANT elephant in the room?
Bill Richardson Also owns a home in St Thomas
Just to clarify Corey. The photo of the building with the Roman numerals that you stated was the Government House is not. That is a photo of the Virgin Islands Legislative building (VI Legislature). Great story!
Wow Joel Nagy what a f$%kin inapppropriate and inaccurate comment! Are the clintons Jewish? Former gov. De jongh? Go crawl back into your white supremacist hole….
Molly O'malley
Re. Maine connection. (1) David Rockefella gave a lot of money for Acadia national park…….also for roads. (2) Two people high up in the clinton administration had a hand in inflicting wind farms on this state…..which have found to give off such minimal power that they use more than the two biggest users, paper mills and Eastern Maine Medical. They are a total rip off for corporations and politicians at great expense to the environment , tax payers and rate payers.The two men? Larry Summers and Rahm Emanuel. They each had a lot of shares in hedge funds which owned the first wind farm corporation to build in ME. They had bought out a lot of Enron assets , got some middle managers with it , who were evil incarnate. They lied to the point of being self defeating.Someone who dealt with the employees from NY state stated the middle managers were heavily into cocaine . They bought off the politicians ………..heavily into Deutsche Bank out of Germany & Credit Suisse initially. Deutsche Bank has been prosecuted for wind farm crimes in several European countries. (3) one of their wind farms is built close to my house…….I kept noticing all the lying and started researching. Larry Summers can be credited with the huge influx of Mexicans who poured into the US in the 90s. Mexico was broke and asked US for a loan….congress refused , so Summers and Robert Rubin “found” money through the Clinton Global Initiative. (Epstein has taken credit for helping to found it) They asked for a quick repayment. So Mexicans who had say a 7 % loan on their homes etc. now had a 30% loan. …….so began the migration to America to save their homes ……g bush helped by decreasing funds on border patrol. Alan Greenspan stated in his memoirs that this brilliance created a lasting bond with Rubin and Summers. ……….Summers was later seriously mentioned for chairman of the federal reserve. It isn’t just America that the tentacles extend to……he went to Russia after the fall of the soviet bloc. with “advice”. His advice was the cause of many small farmers to commit suicide and wish for the days of Stalin……..which was no day in the park. Am sure that with his history , the oligarchs did well and the people were impoverished……..same as US…….the clintons have also shown an interest in taking their show on the road to the Virgin Islands to save the environment. Wind farms. Don’t work. never did on a large scale, esp. when the power is needed , during the day……………no way of storing the energy.
Essie Little
FATHER GOD,said he would reveal the naked backsides of these people for all the world to see. He told me this back in 2000. I had no idea just how corrupt our so called Leaders were. I did know that when he speaks, he never misses or make mistakes. For those who think there is no Creator or Father of us all hang on to your follies, you are about to find how wrong you are. For the rest of you know he never loses you are going to wittness the reward of these wicked creatures their pay day is here. No way will they escape his judgement on the this planet or any of the rest of his universe. They are Toast!!!
Now that Epstein is “dead” — it remains to be seen as to whether truth about everyone and everything will indeed come out — or whether things can now be more easily “managed”
Infidelishoushere wonders if Dr Shapiro( head and neck plastic surgeon) is tasked in the late JEs new identity?
MOLLY O’MALLEY that is very incorrect. Scott Stupay purchased almost all the Enron assets with his business partner, Hani Masri. I know this because I’m good friends with Stupay and Masri, and helped put the deals together for them.
Hi Corey,
just one comment about the ‘horus’ statues on the temple, they’re cockatoos and not an owls.
Beau Brummell
So…Epstein was found dead in a federal jail. The ultimate boss of all things federal is: DONALD TRUMP. Not Bill, not Barak, not Hilary. Who could have Epstein taken off suicide watch? Yup.
My gut tells me that he is not dead but DT made a deal to remove and protect him in exchange for info on others. We will never see him again!
Good Question
Laura, I agree. The official story is preposterous but well designed as a distraction.
Steven Ulosevich
Thank you, Corey. Your robust research begs more questions than it answers. That’s a characteristic of meaningful research. The challenge for you and your readers is this: What are some ways Corey’s research can be shared with the citizenry and elected officials who make public policy for the purpose of making significant and lasting changes that benefit the citizenry?
David F Blacklock
Corey–nice work! I lived for many years in the British Virgin Islands and know how tight the social circles are. It is of little surprise that all the big hitters in the USVI all know one another and are on each other’s boards since there’s only 100,000 residents in the territory anyway. One thing you did miss is the fact that Andrew Farkas got very cozy with another very well connected politician: Andrew Cuomo, New York Governor. Cuomo and Farkas got close when Cuomo needed money after a failed political campaign. He worked with Farkas on developing the Marina at American Yacht Harbor through Island Capital and the Island Roads Corporations. Having put a couple million in the bank, Cuomo ran for Governor and won. The beat goes on!
Impressive work Corey !!!!
Nothing like that in MSM.
PS: Found you through a comment on this website,
Kris Rigby
Wonder where Bill or Cheney got their new hearts from?
Cynthia Allaire
A linked-in link was offered for Pamela Berkoswky, indicating she’d described her background on that site, but it looks like it was taken down. The link leads to a screen that says:
“An exact match for pamela-b-berkowsky-5670564 could not be found.
The LinkedIn profile you’re looking for isn’t public or doesn’t exist. To search and filter 500 million LinkedIn members, log in or join LinkedIn today.”
I’d like to know more about Debbie Wasserman Schultz at organ trafficking, too. Also, if information can be gathered on Stephen Feinberg who has bought up most of the gun manufacturers and owns a finance company called Cerberus, and has invested in DynCorp, a US military contractor which has a history of trafficking children and women in war zones, notably Afghanistan during baby Bush’s reign and Yugoslavia during Clinton’s reign.
RE: Maine. . .
I live here and didn’t realize how deeply Epstein ‘s ties were to here. I did know about the Rockefellers and the Bush’s ties are well known, but NOT marginalized since they’re just as bad as the Clintons.
I just wanted it to be clear that Angus King got wealthy off the bailout for those wind farms.
And George Mitchell was a bit surprising . . . but politician, so shame on me for being surprised.
Corey are you going to do a segment about Acosta, Dershowitz, William Barr, his father and Trump? If so I would like to see it. If not it shows you as a partisan purposely hiding the very real disgusting connections that the current administration has to this. Based on all the Holder connections that skipped Acosta I won’t hold my breath waiting.
* Kimberly Flowers is named in Fintrac portion of this article. Is Kimberly any relation to Gennifer Flowers, the Arkansas actress / woman who claimed to have a 12 yr affair with Bill Clinton and said something to the effect that she will always have something special with BC? Supposedly BC gave Gennifer $200 to have an abortion. Is Kimberly their love child from the 70’s?
Free Speech Forum
Every day the US gets worse. We pretend everything is fine, justify things, lie to ourselves, and stay silent.
Do you think things will get better on their own?
At point will you get mad? When will you resist? What will say when the economy collapses, you get sent to the concentration camps, the civil war starts, and WWIII breaks out?
Will you feel any responsibility at all?
Are you just going to take it?
The sly one with the fake Horatio Algiers story…John Paul DeJoria and Barbuda/Antiqua! Accused of fraud over and over again. Even a jury found him guilty in Texas and he had to bring 12 million in cash into a Texas court and the media did not report it. If you google him….you see only perfection. But he’s deep in. Deep. Arkansas. And Texas. He brags in interviews he has a hotline to Washington.
This is a crazy story. I actually attended Antilles from 6-11 and grew up knowing a lot of these people and their children. When goveJongh first got into trouble for taking the money many people shrugged it off. St thomas is horribly corrupt in so many wAys. There was a lot of speculation also as to why they built the giant solar field near the theater and never used it. Good job on all of this, I e sent it too a lot of My friends who graduated from there too. Thank you
Barbara Wannamaker
Monitoring Systems used at Jeffrey Epstein’s residences and on his aircraft compiled data for an electronic library for archiving with remote access by Epstein
The Obama-Biden-Clinton (OBC) Sweetheart Deal for Jeffrey Epstein:
Jeffrey Epstein was taken into Federal Custody for questioning and then he was arrested a few days later (July 2006) in Palm Beach County, Florida on Felony Solicitation of Prostitution. He retained D&A with the belief his partners/associates had framed him and had to know who.
Monitoring Systems were then used at his residences located in Palm Beach County Florida, New Mexico, Little Saint James Island, New York, France, England and also used on his Boeing 727 and Gulf Stream aircraft to monitor his partners/associates.
D&A compiled the data into an electronic library for archiving. Jeffrey Epstein remotely accessed the library.
His partners/associates include U.S./foreign politicians, CIA, DoD, DoJ, DoS, FBI, FVEY operatives, entertainment and sports celebrities, corporate and financial CEOs.
Big-Tech partners/associates include: Alibaba Group, Amazon Web Services, and CrowdStrike aka Cyber Hunta aka Falcon Flam aka Trinity aka RUH 8 aka Ukrainian Cyber Alliance aka Guccifer aka Guccifer 2.0 aka Fancy Bear aka Cozy Bear [p51], Facebook, Alphabet/Google, Microsoft, Twitter.
With the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election in full swing and OBC running against each other for the Presidency, his library was his Insurance Policy. OBC used FBI Director Robert Mueller to coordinate the Sweetheart Deal aka Secret Deal [p4-20 & 31] for Jeffrey Epstein.
Eight (8) days after the 2008 Presidential Election, OBC entered into their own Sweetheart Deal using their own Charitable Foundations for cover. [p67].
6 July 2019 Jeffery Epstein was arrested at Teterboro Airport, in New Jersey and transported to the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in New York. 10 August 2019 at 6:38am. MSM reported Jeffrey Epstein had been found dead at the MCC. [p9]
25072006 Palm Beach Post article
16112008 The Clinton Foundation and Obama-Biden Sweetheart Deal (5 pages)
11082017 The Sweetheart Deal for Jeffrey Epstein (33 pages)
30102020 Transparency (105 pages)
10112020 D&A Chapter: Jeffrey Epstein (11 pages)
D&A Investigations, Inc.
Dominic Casey
Private Investigator and
(407) 448-4565
Epstein thought he was one of the chosen. I am not sure if he meant Illuminati but there 13 bloodlines & then there is the 13 kids that came from the school mentioned in this article. Interesting coincidence