Dig It! Podcast: Elections, Covid & The Great Reset
We covered a lot of points in this podcast! Edge detailed what is taking place in each state with this election battle. Corey covered information regarding Covid and lockdowns. The Speaker talked about the Great Reset. And, we all chimed in on several other topics that we feel are on a lot of people’s minds. We are all in this together, and we love you all!

Kevin Lenz
…been awhile since I’ve caught a broadcast, I’ll do better in trying to listen in more often
Richard Clark
To be blunt, ‘the great reset’ is the beginning of the ‘great tribulation ‘
I believe we are smack dab in the middle of it and aren’t even aware of it.
Mark Rissman
Google Vote Reminders Only Went to Liberals, Not Conservatives for at Least 4 Days—Dr Robert Epstein – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKy9HLeh-hU
Mary E Joligard
Richard Clark, I agree with you about this time being the beginning of the Great Tribulation.
Mary E. Joligard
I know so many people who swallowed the Covid fear pill and refuse to look at any other information and statistics regarding this issue. They put out memes shaming those few of us that don’t agree and isolate us. This includes friends and family. What to do?
I keep hearing about “stakeholders.” Can you explain what or who that is – as opposed to “shareholders’?
Hi guys yes me again. Thankyou another great podcast hang in there good things coming. Happy Thanksgiving.
I feel this is so very very very important for everyone to watch. Of course its your choice.
Freedom verses slavery
R3dpill Versus bluepill.
What will you choose with your Free Will?
What are you consenting too?
(I’m continually asking what I am consenting to)
Get off your knees. They can only control you if you give them the power. Get off their platforms.
However good luck
Part 1 solution you will love this truth share and do nut support each other.
Corey check this out too I think it may interest you
Australia/lawyers/covid/crimes agsinst humanity- notice of liability
Also, you may like to like to watch & as important for your knowledge (aka Gnostic) by JoshX, Charlie Freak & Aloise, if doesnt work you can find on cosmic news site.
Thrive II movie
Oh and one special one for Speaker and Edge and All earth humans if into interesting intel/disclosure re- past/present space programs, Ets, UFO’s, future agendas etc & what’s happening, please note there is some distressing info but the sooner you know and deal with it with support, the sooner we can take back our rights, our responsibilities, our health, our freedom and our control together and finally meet out benevolent space brothers and sisters, first we need to burst this BSht bubble once and for all. See, within and without, and call for truth and call out the lies.
Please know, whether it was was real- I know my experiences were/are or whether the possibility that they were MK Ultra psyops on me, could be but I do not think so, it happened, so I speak from experience.
Edit: Do support each other 😃
(Not do nut) was algorithm typo.