Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself: Graphic Death Photos Reveal
On January 5, 60 Minutes released photos from Jeffrey Epstein’s cell the morning of his death. Epstein, 66, was found dead on August 10, 2019 in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges.
His death had been ruled a suicide by the New York City Medical Examiner’s office. Epstein’s brother Mark had hired Dr. Michael Baden, a forensic pathologist and a former New York City medical examiner, to investigate his brother’s death. Dr. Baden was witness to the four-hour autopsy, and after seeing all of the evidence below, he believes this is more consistent with murder. The majority of the population weighing in on this would agree.
WARNING: Graphic Photos
A Quick Recap of The Last 24hrs of Jeffrey Epstein’s Life
• August 9, 8:00 a.m. – Epstein’s cellmate is transferred out of the prison in a routine, prearranged transfer and he is not assigned a new cellmate.
• August 9, 7:49 p.m. – Epstein returned to the SHU from a visit with his Attorneys, who reported him to be “upbeat.”
• August 9, 10 p.m. – All inmates are locked in their cells for the night.
• August 9, 10:30 p.m. – Allegedly, this is the last time a guard walked up to the entrance to the area where Epstein was held, until Epstein was found around 6:30 a.m. They were supposed to do rounds every 30-minutes, but had allegedly skipped them all and falsified records.
• August 10, 6:00 a.m. – The two guards, Noel and Thomas, received a delivery of the breakfast carts and at 6:30 a.m. entered the tier where Epstein was housed.
• August 10, 6:33 a.m. – The guards find Epstein alone in his cell and unresponsive with a noose around his neck, and activate the alarm in the SHU.
• August 10, 7:30 a.m. – The paramedics arrived with Epstein at the New York Presbyterian-Lower Manhattan hospital where they eventually pronounced him dead.
Many are still under the belief that Epstein was on suicide watch. He was not. He had been taken off suicide watch on July 29th. Side note: The last suicide at MCC was 14 years ago.

Autopsy Report

Autopsy Report pertaining to the alleged hanging:
• Ligature furrow of neck
• Petechial hemorrhages of bilateral palpebral conjunctivae and of oral mucosa
• Confluent hemorrhages of right bulbar conjunctiva
• Plethora of face and head with petechial hemorrhages of face
• Fractures of bilateral thyroid cartilage cornua and left hyoid cornua with accompanying soft tissue hemorrhages
Other details can be seen in the report above.
The List

One big misconception floating around on social media is that the note was a “suicide note.” Quite the opposite. In fact, this was a list of complaints. Why would he write down complaints to share if he had no intentions of sticking around?
The list says: “Kept me in a locked shower stall for 1 hour. Sent me burnt food. Giant bugs crawling over my hands. No fun!!”
The Mystery Noose & Cords

Two nooses were photographed in the cell, while other pieces of bed linen remained tied to various areas of the bunk. One was taken into evidence, seen in the photo above, presumably because it was thought to be the noose used to kill himself. There are several things off about this.
• The guard who found Epstein allegedly cut him down. If that were the case, this noose shown above would have cut marks in the fabric and it does not. “It doesn’t look like anybody ever took scissors to it,” said 60 Minutes’ Sharyn Alfonsi. “So there is some question—is that the right noose?”
• There doesn’t appear to be any blood on it, yet the photo of Epstein’s neck clearly indicates a band of blood across it.
• Dr. Baden said the noose doesn’t appear to match the wound on Epstein’s throat. He also stated, “there were other wires and cords present that it would’ve been easy to use to hang oneself within a few minutes.” He is referring to the cords from Epstein’s sleep apnea machine.
• What they are referring to as the “second noose,” shown in a photo below, appears to have a tiny loop in it with a knot and a knot at the other end, hardly making it a “noose.”
• The noose that was put into evidence is perfectly intact. Aside from having no apparent blood on it, how did they possibly slide this loop over his head, when the head is considerably larger than the neck? So much pressure was applied that he had fractured his thyroid cartilage and hyoid, leaving a band of blood across his neck. It would seem it would have had to be extremely tight to cause that level of damage. Can a bed linen sheet stretch that much to pull it over his head, and if so, how the heck did he hang himself with it if it were that stretchy?
• The location of the blood mark across his neck seems to be low for a “hanging,” and more in line with strangulation. The mark also would be more consistent with a cord or wire. I cannot imagine a bed sheet causing his neck to bleed.
• One of the pieces of bed sheet tied to the ladder on the bunk bed is measured at 35” off the ground. That would put Epstein on his knees. He was nearly 6 feet tall. The only conceivable way to cause that much damage to his neck and throat area, would be for him to continuously thrash his head forward with great force. It is difficult to image how simply trying to “hang” from that position and height could cause that level of damage. The small fray of fabric tied to the window grate appears to be nearly twice that height, but there is very little room between the bed and wall to squeeze a nearly 6 feet tall man.
Were two nooses, along with multiple pieces of bed sheets tied to the bunk frame and window, laid out intentionally to create confusion of what was truly a “murder scene?”

The Ligature Marks, Fractures & Other Markings

Epstein sustained fractures of bilateral thyroid cartilage cornua and left hyoid cornua with accompanying soft tissue hemorrhages, in addition to several other abrasions and hemorrhages as indicated in the autopsy report. Dr. Baden has seen his fair share of hangings and noted that “going over a thousand jail hangings, suicides in the New York City state prisons over the past 40-50 years, no one had three fractures.”

They also found an injury to the back of his neck and an injection mark on his left forearm but they don’t know where it came from. The mark on his arm seems to be located exactly where they would stick you for an IV or to draw blood. I can’t imagine they would have hooked up an IV to a dead man, but the autopsy shows they ran a toxicology report. This makes sense.

The mark on the back of his neck seems ideally positioned for where someone’s hands would be placed while applying pressure to a cord or other weapon wrapped around his neck. It doesn’t line up with someone hanging themselves.
Position Found in Wasn’t Disclosed

What I find intriguing about all of the evidence and photos provided, is that they would not tell Dr. Baden or 60 Minutes what position his body was found in, leaving out the most critical detail of all. Why? Clearly this is still an ongoing investigation, but why even release all of these graphic photos then? Whereas the photo of the front of his neck was clearly taken on the floor of the prison cell, this photos was not.
Something I’m very curious about is his postmortem lividity, as indicated in the above photo. If you have ever had the unfortunate experience of finding a dear friend dead, as I have, you have observed lividity. After the heart stops, the settling of blood begins. Livor mortis begins 20-30 minutes after death but generally can’t be observed until a couple hours after death, though some sites speculate it can be seen sooner. With each hour, the areas pooling become broader and darker. It forms around gravity, so if one is laying face up, it will settle toward their back. However, if one were to hang themselves – completely off the ground – it would naturally settle in their feet, or if sitting upright it would be in their lower extremities. In this photo it settled around his side, partial back, and upper neck area. It won’t settle in areas pressed against the ground or object. You can see the blood pool around the crease marks from the sheet, so it clearly shifted once they put him on the gurney.
Coroners often use this as a means to determine approximate time of death and if a body has been moved. If the position of the body is shifted, it will cause the blood to settle down in the newer dependent areas, but due to postmortem coagulation, the shifting may not be possible after 6 to 8 hours of death. The only photo of Epstein they provided from the cell was the closeup of the front of his neck. They won’t provide photos or information on the position they found him in.
My point to going over all of this is that he could have been dead in that cells for hours since they hadn’t checked on him since 10pm the night before, in which case lividity would have built up. Had they moved him before officers got there and took photos, the lividity would have shown his original position because it likely wouldn’t have shifted yet. These are the photos they don’t want us to see.
The Mountain of Sheets & Mattress on the Floor
Is it that odd? I don’t see any blankets, so perhaps it’s standard to have “extra” sheets in a room. What is odd is the fact that they are strewn all about in a mess, presumably because they were being torn into pieces for making nooses. As far as the mattress, it appears he preferred to keep his belongings on the top bunk. Maybe the floor was cold and disgusting, so he preferred the mattress on the floor. There is also a sleep apnea machine next to it which may have been easier to manage at floor level, with the tubes and all. Those tubes and electric cords sure would make a good weapon for strangling someone. Why is it still sitting on the floor in this photo and not bagged for evidence? There is another piece of equipment on the floor by the bunk that appears to have a gray tube coming off of it. It could possibly be a second sleep apnea machine. It’s hard to say.

• “Epstein is still alive.” – False. He is more dangerous to them alive than he is dead. He was not the top dog. I don’t care how much money he had – the man had handlers, and they handled him.
• “It’s not him. The photos are fake – they are Photoshopped. That’s not his ears or nose. His eyes shouldn’t be closed.” – False. Have you ever seen dead bodies? Have you ever seen a strangled dead body? Fluids drain, lividity sets in, and depending on how they died, some areas may appear slightly different. Lay down on your back. Now take your finger parallel to the floor and put the point of it into the side of your head so it just barely touches the back of your earlobe. Finger should be horizontal and parallel with the floor. Now very carefully sit up without moving your hand. Your earlobe no longer touches your finger. Why? Because gravity causes your earlobes to fall in toward your head. Now add a “plethora of face and head with petechial hemorrhages of face” after being strangled. Comparing a dead photo of Epstein laying on his back to a photo of him standing up when he was alive is not comparing apples to apples. With exception of possibly the one closeup of his neck, all other photos were shot at the hospital prior to the autopsy. If his eyes had been open, they closed them for the photos. This is after the scene where it happened.
There is no need to create an illusion of Epstein to portray him as dead, when they wanted him dead. Why keep him alive, having to spend the rest of his days in hiding? He no longer serves a purpose for them. He is expendable.
Does the media lie? Yes. Have they fabricated information or swapped photos to use in other stories? Have they staged scenes before taking photos? Absolutely 100% on both counts. Have they created false flags to give the appearance people died? Yes. Have they shown numerous postmortem photos with evidence tags on those people? Not that I have ever come across. Are these photos of Epstein’s body Photoshopped? I have been working with photos in Photoshop for over 25 years, and I cannot find a single pixel on his body that appears to have been manipulated in any of these photos.
“But this isn’t him.” If it’s not him, you are suggesting this is a clone of Epstein and he managed to escape. One of the only escapes from the MCC was thirty years ago in 1990. If he were to pull off an “escape” that would mean the following people were all involved: Dr. Baden, all of the nurses and staff at the hospital who saw him brought in and those in the room with him, the paramedics, any individuals at MCC who saw him being taken away in an ambulance were in on it, police officers, the FBI agents at the hospital, and the entire morgue was in on it. Most importantly, you are suggesting that Attorney General Barr was in on it. Don’t think for one minute that he didn’t verify Epstein’s body in person while he kicked off this investigation. “No, nobody knew it was a clone except for those who orchestrated the escape.” OKAY, explain how that escape worked. Have you worked out all the details on that from the time they found him in his cell to the hospital? Prove it before selling it.
“Barr took him away to witness protection, and they planted a clone of Epstein for the rest of the show, so the other people didn’t know it wasn’t really Epstein.” Stop It! Do you really believe they would carry out this charade, could keep him safe and get him to sing like a canary at some safe house as opposed to keeping him in prison, when they likely already have mountains of evidence? This would mean that you also believe Barr had a clone made of Epstein, because those photos are legit. Mossad didn’t smuggle him anywhere. He is not singing like a canary. And he’s not sipping cocktails on a remote island. He’s dead. Sometimes things are exactly as they seem, despite how you may want them to be.
That said, he may have already sung like a canary. We don’t know what that last meeting was about with his attorneys the night before. We don’t know if some sort of plea deal was in the works or if affidavits were being signed. We don’t know. What we do know is, by Epstein being dead, his attorneys aren’t in the way of them accessing information and his estates (as we’ve witnessed), and additional women have come forward with more information on other sick players that were involved with Epstein and his sex trafficking of minors.
Now What?

Keep exposing all of these child predators. Demand justice. Stay on top of this trafficking ring and keep bringing awareness to it. One thing that people tend to forget while they are focused on getting justice – by exposing all of the players, it warns others to stay away from them, to be more observant of their surroundings and the people trying to take advantage of them, which ultimately could be saving their lives. Isn’t that a big part of what we are here to do? To save the children? Justice would be grand, and I pray we see it on so many levels, but never forget how important exposing these crimes are in and of itself.
One thing is for certain, Jeffrey Epstein will never hurt another child or adult ever again.
Additional information on Jeffrey Epstein: in-depth reports by Corey’s Digs:
Jeffrey Epstein’s St. Thomas Network, Comms & and an Elite School
Is Jeffrey Epstein’s Zorro Ranch Insulated?
Are Bill & Hillary Clinton Involved with Child Trafficking?
You can find all four of these reports in PDF download in The Bookshop >>>

Linda Donahue
Kinda new here, but I just wanted to thank you for your work. Yes, I thought he wasn’t dead! Just like I thought perhaps the Bushes weren’t dead either, especially Barbara. Will I ever let my guard down concerning these possibilities? Never. Because they always got away with murder. They never paid for their criminal psychotic acts, at least, not in the public sphere and the rule of law. The regular folk pay deeply and dearly for every little infraction, but not those of this gangster variety. So for decades and decades and years and years this goes on. My question is why would anyone believe it? At least, why initially? I can let it go, as I know GOD IS … so I KNOW the right actions will be taken. And best of all I would rather not spend another second ever quibbling about one of the darkest Human “soul’s” to have ever existed. Despite his existence, the World IS a Beautiful place… and it just got a whole lot brighter for everyone.
Now I’d just like to take Weinstien’s walker and hit him over the head with it!!!!!
Jenny krantzberg
I worked for 15 years in a medium security facility for men. Nothing about this is normal. First, Epstein was high profile…they don’t get any higher. He would have been placed on administrative segregation. A cell to himself, which would have been monitored 24/7 by prison staff. Absolutely no interaction with other prisoners. You keep a journal and EVERYTHING is recorded. If you are watching the monitor and get up to pee, someone replaces you. So the likliehood this scenario ever happened is highly unlikely.
When an offender dies in prison the body can lay there for hours. It is always treated as a “crime scene”. The coroner must come in to pronounce TOD. After all the processing and evidence is taken, the body is zipped up into a black body bag. Period.
So many inconsistancies make it all fake. And all those orange blankets? Not likely. You get a sheet and one blanket….not 10. Fake news.
I hate to burst your bubble, but I have proof he’s alive and will be presenting it in my next article.
When does your article come out?
Epstein isn’t dead, I’m convinced now, after seeing one particular photo.
Question is, did deep state get him and Epstein is on an island sipping margaritas or in protection, singing like a bird?
Look at the close up profile photo. Looks like a (Epstein) mask on top of another face. Ears don’t match up and the face sits too high on the head, like it needs to be pulled down further.
There are unnatural angles of “flesh” below the chin line toward the ear.
Seriously, look at it from the prospective of a rubber mask placed on another face…you’ll see it clear as day.
Susan Volwiler
The photo of his neck is from the morgue not the floor of the jail cell. You can see the perforated sides of the gurney in the background.
Excellent article Corey. TY!
Dagfinn Arne Klausen
Jeffrey Epstein must surely have had a “dead man´s switch”.
As long this has not been released, only logical explaination is, he is still alive.
I DO NOT BUY IT!!! THIS IS NOT Jeffrey Epstein!! A GOOD MATCH [look a like] LIKE WITH CROOKED HILLARY’S DOUBLE, EPSTEIN DOES NOT HAVE “CURLED”!!!!! EAR LOBES!!! LOOK CLOSELY AT HIS REAL EARLOBES AND THE ONE IN THESE PHOTOS!! in the first 60min. photo, what the hell is in front of the earlobe!?????PLUS PIC ON GURNEY LOOKS LIKE THAT PERSON HAS A CROOKED NOSE!! NOT In REAL PICS OF EPSTEIN! ALSO EYEBROWS ALSO LOOK SUSPECT! COMPARED OF A REAL PHOTO[S] OF JE! BTW… was he already dead before geting to the hospital!! From the time it happened, to the lapse time until he was found, to the time Medics arrived , to the ride time to the ER.. he was DEAD DEAD DEAD, AND NOTHING TO DO!!! PERIOD! MOST LIKELY “STIFF AS A BOARD”!! THEN WHO RE-DRESSED HIM INTO A HOSPITAL SMOCK! would he be in his prison jump suit!!! SORRY, I AM AN X-COP AND CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATOR BRPD! FLA. GOOD TRY, THIS CORPSE IS A STUNT DOUBLE!! THE REAL EPSTEIN, If GOOD FBI involved, He’s in GITMO or under Big Time wraps! Bad FBI, [like the Trump Russia gate ones] probably in Buckingham Palace with Prince Andy! and the Queen! ever watched NBC’s BLACK LIST?
I concur. He is dead.
Something to note: On Nov. 22nd, Attorney General Barr “revealed he had watched footage that show no one else entered Epstein’s cell.”
But… but… first we were told the video was unusable. Then we were told no less than two cameras were broken. And now – he FBI reviewed the system as part of a separate investigation “and determined that the requested video no longer exists on the backup system and has not since at least August 2019 as a result of technical errors.”
Huh. My conclusion, the Attorney General is a liar.
Great article, I agree he is dead. There are physiological changes that happen with death that totally would explain the things people have pointed out on the ears. I had a photo at one point overlapping his gurney photo that showed unequivocally that it was the same nose. In my opinion he’s Dead.
elijah gabriel
The Question, why did JE come back to the USA?, cannot believe with all he did that he had no qualms, fears returning to the USA why not go to another place/ country? and why would Barr not have him in some truly secure place like GITMO, too many flaws in this saga?
Dr. Baden who was present for the autopsy said in interview that there were no post mortem pictures taken not DNA samples taken because Jeffery’s brother identified him. Now they have pictures all of a sudden? The New York Medical Examiner’s office has the most sophisticy crime/DNA lab in the world. I looked up the MD who did the autopsy and the information/dates in her info is sketchy. As far as lividity is concerned, one of the pictures of his lower arm didn’t have any lividity but his back did. These photos don’t add up. I’m a Registered Nurse who has seen dead bodies and I disagree with your lividity conclusions in this case. I think they are doing damage control to further confuse people.
Dylan Bradford
I’m pretty sure that he is dead. The noses match to accurately for it not to be him. What i don’t understand is this BS that somehow, someway the footage of at least 2 cameras disappeared or was “lost.” Video files and surveillance should have been kept in some type of hard data bank. I think this was scrubbed.
As a side note those marks on his neck look like fine wire, not a thin stretchy prison bed sheet.
That IS him and he IS dead. Those of you with all the conspiracy theories watch too many stupid TV shows. I am a nurse and the RN who replied isn’t too bright either. Go stare at all his photos (most recent!) online. Compare them to the crime scene and morgue photos. That is Epstein DEAD. People do not look the same dead, especially after many hours. He is an older man and his ears have thinned and they become very limber. The neck brace shoved his ears into a curls, because that is how high and tight a neck brace sits. The lucidity makes sense and the coloring on his back on the gurney.
As for the guy who thinks that is a mask…LOL. It isn’t a mask. He doesn’t understand skin, elasticity or lack thereof, changes upon death, changes many hours after death, differences in the look of a face and neck when lying on the back AND dead many hours after being strangled with a rope/wire, AT HIS AGE. Each person making wrong judgments is leaving out different factors which must be included.
The question is who killed him. That is a strangulation, not suicide. Go look at photos of eye hemorrhaging, etc, from Dr. Oz show today.
Excellent analysis; nevertheless, based on QAnon COMMS, I believe that he was not murdered, but swapped out of his cell by Military Intelligence. After Epstein was beaten up in his cell, QTeam posted the following:
07/24/19 08:20:45 PM PDT Q !!mG7VJxZNCI>>7175231
Eyes on.
07/24/19 10:38:05 PM PDT Q !!mG7VJxZNCI
“Does a person who fights hard for bail, then appeals the original decision (attempt to overturn), attempt suicide prior to the ruling of the appeal?
Logical thinking.”
Besides directly contradicting the initial bogus report that Epstein had attempted suicide, QTeam began by stating the very powerful, “Eyes On.” I am convinced that once Army Military Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) has their eyes on someone, nobody is likely to be able to “sneak in” under THEIR Signal Intellgence monitoring apparatus and do anything that they are either unaware of or unable to prevent. Though he was not a top-level Intelligence asset like Ghislaine Maxwell is, I’m sure that INSCOM had good reasons of their own to put their “Eyes On” Jeffrey Epstein and protect him accordingly.
Agree 100% that there are so many things wrong from an investigator’s standpoint. He would NOT be in a hospital gown but in his prison clothes. That is the first big thing that caught my eye too. Second, if they took blood for toxicology, there would be no blood (or clot) on his arm. The only way this occurs is if blood is circulating, meaning he was alive when this puncture was done. Only other explanation would be for the person drawing the blood to have dripped some after drawing. That’s a *very* rare occurrence (the tubes that receive the blood have a vacuum) and the blood on the arm would be much darker. Next, why was the body removed if there was lividity? When I was a paramedic (30 years ago), if there was lividity then, after verifying no cardiac activity, we would have an ER doc pronounce death. The body would not be moved as it would be treated as a crime scene and the appropriate investigators would process the scene. The coroner would respond to remove the body. Again this was my experience from 30 years ago and each state has differing rules, but I cannot believe this would be very different. My next question is in regards to photographic evidence. There is obviously some great selectivity to what has been released, the number of photos we are allowed to see is minuscule compared to the number of photos that were (or should have been) taken. I’m certain this is a fine disinformation campaign against the truth.
In the end, I do believe that JE is dead and that he did not kill himself. Like everyone else here, it is obvious to me that the narrative is being set up to obfuscate the truth.
he is ALIVE. Events:
He was beat up in his cell a week or two before his “death”. At that time, they wanted to kill him but he told them, ” You can’t kill me because if you do, I have a person will release all the evidence all of you.”
They couldn’t let him “live” so they decided to FAKE his death: Somebody about to be released and who looked a bit like him was found, that person was beat up (“shrieking” was noted), the fake person’s neck was broken, Epstein waltzed out, pretending to be the guy. Epstein is likely in Israel with Ghislaine Maxwell, both being Mossad agents
Nothing on this article mentions Epstein had a medical emergency a week or so before and was taken to the hospital and returned. A lot see this as the opportunity for a switch of Epstein with a body match. Certainly a plot in many crime shows. With so many pedos in high places this was always a possibility in case of re -arrest. He’s almost had to have known about pending charges coming up. The death of body double is smoke and mirrors.
thanks. I hadn’t heard of that. I just tried to look it up but can’t find anything about the “medical emergency”. Do you have a source for that?
The corpse is Anthony Bourdain.
Stevor, it was On the news for several days after happened, even pix of supposed ambulance . Some of the scuttlebutt was it didn’t ‘have necessary back-up for person of his importance per security. Reminded me of an old ” Mission Impossible” episode of years back. The switch out… As you know inconvenient news disappears.
Richard Dumas
You all should read Miles Mathis take on Tate Murders and most other publicized deaths
JE case will be a walk in the park
Loralie C
Why the johnny? Some medical professional decided to dress a dead man, before an autopsy? Not buying that was normal procedure. Usually, a sheet would be draped over a body. Not sure what this means. It just struck me as odd.
Are there blood analysis results from the autopsy?
Patrick Byrne has revealed today that Epstein’s death had all the hallmarks of State actors.
“Six months ago I was sent a message – a detail of the Epstein death scene – one little detail. It was not a suicide, it was a murder. This had all the sophistication of State actors. The guards ‘who fell asleep’ had traces of nitrous oxide in their blood when it was tested the next day. 14 cameras knocked out and the ventilation system hosed with nitrous oxide.”
Brandy M Ryan
I have no qualms about this. Of course, someone like Jeffrey should be dead and meet their maker. And it is common in the SRA abuse and Satanic elite to kill off their own when they get too much exposure on their corruption, this one I’m still not sure about. 1st I agree with the above statement. Why didn’t Jeffrey just hide out somewhere where he wouldn’t be extradited like most criminals who don’t want to be caught. Sure he is cocky but he isn’t stupid. Then when it comes to the way they are holding such a high-profile criminal nothing they did was as it should have been. Especially with such good lawyers that he had. Then of course all of the “coincidences” of the cameras, guards asleep ect.. Those are all the things they do as usual when they are either up to no good or flat out lying. Also, if he was going to commit suicide I agree also that he would have done so after his bail appeal had been denied. And, if he was murdered, how would he have known to put his fortune in a trust a couple of days ahead of time? Too many things about this are wrong. And as he wasn’t a top dog, don’t underestimate him either. He definitely had blackmail on many people and I am sure would have had safety in place to have that released if anything happened to him. This man is not stupid. Nor, as a criminal himself would he be trusting his friends. All that to say this, I find it very convenient that they release his death photos to the public. How often does that happen? They definitely want us to think he is dead. And that could be him in these photos. But I think it is suspect they only gave us one face shot. I have been studying that with his live pictures and as I can see where it may be him there are too many differences as well. The ears are too much. Definitely not right. And you can see that from 2 angles. That and the very obvious red eyebrows. Redish/brown eyebrows, Every single picture in life shows him with very black eyebrows. These may seem like little details but it is the little things they miss when they try to fool us. I am not convinced this is him. He is an asset to them alive. And there are enough people in high places to pull off a switch. And they would need to. They wouldn’t let this go to trial and I don’t think he could take a plea either as he would have had to release too much info. in that instance. I think it is very possible this is not him.
Beatrice Cole
Wait….🙋 question. If the first pic showing his neck is from the cell (crime scene), him being a diva, would he take his shirt off? If that photo is suppose to show JE in the cell after they found him, why is the “suppose” noose OFF his neck? Nah. .He may be dead, and that is fine because he hurt a LOT of babies but he didn’t hang himself.