Lab Grown Meat To Hit U.S. in 2022, Backed By FDA & USDA, Along with “Smarter Food Safety Blueprint” and Traceability All Underway
Corey’s Digs first reported on cultured lab grown meat back in 2018, alerting people that this would soon become a reality, as the globalists chip away at our food security. Now, Future Meat Technologies, a company out of Israel is nearly set to begin shipping its lab grown meat to the U.S. in 2022. This was a blip in the news, missing everyone’s radar, and yet their connections and the potential repercussions of this is alarming. But they are not the only company involved with this, and the industry is rapidly gaining traction while the FDA and USDA are getting everything lined up, along with their “Smarter Food Safety Blueprint” with food traceability technology. This is their strategy to control the food industry and everyone’s food security, going far beyond the meat industry. Who is backing all of this, what’s really in this “meat,” and how will this impact farmers and ranchers?
In June 2021, it was announced that Future Meat Technologies was in the approval process with regulatory agencies of its production facility in multiple territories and plans to launch its products in the U.S. in 2022, as the “World’s first industrial cultured meat facility,” but their are several others. It is an Israeli start-up founded by Rom Kshuk and Chief Scientific Officer Yaakov Nahmias, with the ability to produce 1100 lbs of meat a day initially, and is currently seeking out locations in the U.S. to expand its facilities. They produce “cultured” chicken, pork, and lamb, with beef coming just around the corner.
Many organizations, agencies, and NGOs that are pushing the 2030 agenda have long been backing this agenda under the guise of climate change and sustainability. The World Economic Forum has informed everyone that “You’ll eat much less meat. An occasional treat, not a staple.” Future Meat Technologies claims that its process will generate 80% less greenhouse emissions, use 99% less land, and 96% less freshwater than traditional meat production. Nahmias has patents pending in the US, China, and Europe for growing cells in vitro.
This isn’t a one-off start-up company, this is a full scale agenda to remove the meat industry entirely. In fact, Bill Gates wants “all rich countries to move to 100% synthetic meat,” and he’s backing nearly all of the companies involved in this industry. The number of companies involved, money being thrown at this, and agencies quick to approve it, is quite staggering.
Timeline of Relevant Events and Key Players
2001: NASA scientists and Dutch universities began developing the technology for lab-grown meat.
2005: The University of Maryland announced working on growing meat in incubators by utilizing stem cells from a biopsy of a live animal.
2009: Beyond Meat was founded by Ethan Brown, and is headquartered in El Segundo, CA. They develop plant-based substitutes for meat, which created quite a trend, to welcome the future of lab grown meat. It takes time to seeds minds. It takes far less time to get the seed money. Beyond Meat is funded by Tyson Foods, Bill Gates, Twitter co-founders Biz Stone and Evan Williams, Leonardo DiCaprio, GreatPoint Ventures, Kleiner Perkins, Biz Stone, Obvious Corporation, and others.
2011: Impossible Foods was founded by Patrick O. Brown, and is headquartered in Redwood City, CA. They also develop plant-based meat products, and have also received funding from Bill Gates, as well as the Open Philanthropy Project, Google Ventures, Khosla Ventures, Viking Global Investors, UBS, Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing’s Horizon Ventures, Temasek, and others. In 2020, Burger King rolled out the first “Impossible Croissan’wich” in all of their 7,500 locations, followed by Starbucks “Impossible Breakfast Sandwich in all 15,000 locations.
2011: Eat Just, Inc. (formerly Hampton Creek Foods), which often goes by “JUST,” was founded by Josh Tetrick and Josh Balk, and is headquartered in San Francisco, CA. They produce plant-based alternatives to conventionally-produced egg products. The initial seed funding came from Khosla Ventures, owned by Vinod Khosla, one of the co-founders of Sun-Microsystems, who also invested in Impossible Foods, and is a member of Bill Gates’ Giving Pledge. Sales Force CEO Marc Benioff, Facebook co-founded Eduardo Saverin, Hong Kong billionaire Lin Ka-shing, Founders Fund, Yahoo founder Jerry Yang, and Ali Partovi all invested as well. Eat Just’s subsidiary, GOOD Meat, produces lab grown meat.
2013: Bill Gates and Peter Thiel invested in Eat Just Inc.
2015: Memphis Meats (now known as Upside Foods), a Berkeley, CA based food technology company focussed on growing cultured meat, was founded by Uma Valeti, Nicholas Genovese, and Will Clem.
August 2017: Five days before the signing of Whole Foods over to Amazon, Bill Gates and Richard Branson invested in Memphis Meats. Gates, Branson, Elon Musk’s brother Kimbal Musk, and Cruise co-founder Kyle Vogt have funded $17 million to Memphis Meats as of 2017. Tyson Foods and Cargill also have a stake in it. By 2020, they had $161 million in investments for its production facility.
August 2017: Amazon acquired Whole Foods.
2018: Future Meats Technologies, located in Rehovot, Israel, was founded by Yaakov Nahmias.
May 2018: Tyson Ventures, the venture capital arm of Tyson Foods, invested $2.2 million seed money into Future Meat Technologies. The Neto Group (Israel), S2G Ventures (Chicago), Bits x Bites (China), Agrinnovation (Israel), and HB Ventures (New York) also funded Future Meat Technologies in that round.
January 2019: The World Economic Forum published their “Improving Traceability in Food Value Chains Through Technology Innovations” as part of their “Great Reset,” in collaboration with McKinsey & Company.
January 2020: (more than likely, much earlier than that) Covid hit the U.S., meat plants closed, and millions of dollars began steaming in to the lab grown meat industry.
April 2020: Tyson Foods announced closures of their food processing plants and stated that “the food supply chain is breaking.” They warned that “millions of pounds of meat” will disappear from the supply chain due to the so-called pandemic causing food processing plants to close. John Tyson also stated that U.S. farmers don’t have anywhere to sell their livestock. It is alleged that their Waterloo, Iowa plant had 182 cases of Covid in their employees. In addition to Tyson Foods, they also shut down Smithfield Foods in SD (China-owned company who Corey’s Digs has reported on), and JBS pork processing in MN.
October 2020: The FDA published ‘Food Made with Cultured Animal Cells,’ stating that this emerging area of food science “is expected to be ready for market in the not too distant future.” In 2019, the FDA and USDA established a formal agreement on how they would roll out regulations and proper labeling to develop a framework for this industry. They break down their separate regulating responsibilities here, from tissue collection, cell lines and banks, selection, growth, harvest, processing, labeling, and importing this lab grown meat.
2020: The USDA awarded contracts to provide 8 million RFID tags to cattle and bison producers, for free of course. They want them tracked and traced. A battle ensued, and in March 2021, the USDA announced its intent to pursue rule-making on RFID use in animal disease traceability by 2023. There is a hidden mandate that requires cattlemen to register their premises and obtain premise ID numbers, whereas current regulations do not require a producer to register his or her premises as a prerequisite to shipping cattle interstate. R-CALF and NCLA are fighting this in a federal court in Wyoming.
February 2021: Future Meat Technologies raised another $26.7 million in funding from Tyson Foods, ADM, Muller Group and Rich’s Products Corporation, S2G Ventures, and Emerald Technology Ventures.
April 2021: Singapore became the first country to offer lab-grown meat through their home delivery platform Foodpanda. Eat Just, Inc. partnered with them through their subsidiary ‘GOOD Meat,’ and Google even provides a cardboard headset that plays a film about preserving the planet, that comes with each order. They intend on taking this model global where Delivery Hero brands operate which is currently in over 50 countries. Eat Just, Inc. is also an investor of Delivery Hero.
July 2021: The FDA released their “New Era of Smarter Food Safety Blueprint.”
August 3, 2021: Tyson Foods announced they are requiring its entire 120,000 U.S. workforce to get the Covid-19 jab, including more than 2,500 truck drivers.
August 2021: Memphis Meats (Upside Foods) has partnered with a San Francisco restaurant to offer their lab grown chicken, once it passes a regulatory review from the FDA and USDA, which should be a slam dunk.
September 13, 2021: The FDA announced the winners of their “Food Traceability Challenge.”
Beginning to see the picture? The SAME companies and individuals that are involved with the 2030 agenda “Great Reset,” that are rolling out the digital identities to get everyone onto the blockchain in order to control humanity, are also invested in the lab grown meat industry. Why? Because in order to control the masses, you have to also control the food, and meat is a good place to start. If anyone believes this is about climate change or sustainability, they’ve lost site of reality. Many of these same people are also involved with the Covid jabs and profiting from this virus.
In addition to Tyson Foods, notice that Bill Gates is once again invested in nearly all of the companies mentioned above. In his recent book on “How To Avoid A Climate Disaster,” Gates called for governments to quintuple their annual investments in clean tech, set clean electricity and fuel standards, and high carbon prices. Just this year, in an interview with Technology Review, Gates was asked “Do you think plant-based and lab-grown meats could be the full solution to the protein problem globally, even in poor nations? Or do you think it’s going to be some fraction because of the things you’re talking about, the cultural love of a hamburger and the way livestock is so central to economies around the world?” To summarize, Gates’ response was:
“For Africa and other poor countries, we’ll have to use animal genetics to dramatically raise the amount of beef per emissions for them. Weirdly, the US livestock, because they’re so productive, the emissions per pound of beef are dramatically less than emissions per pound in Africa. So no, I don’t think the poorest 80 countries will be eating synthetic meat. I do think all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef. Eventually, that green premium is modest enough that you can sort of change the behavior of people or use regulation to totally shift the demand.“
Just How Big is This Industry?
“Raising meat takes a great deal of land and water and has a substantial environmental impact. Put simply, there’s no way to produce enough meat for 9 billion people.” – Bill Gates quoted in a 2013 NPR article, who the Gates Foundation funds

According to the Good Food Institute, in 2020 alone, over $365 million was raised by cultivated meat companies, while plant-based and fermentation continued to climb dramatically, rounding out the year with $3.1 billion invested in this industry. There are over 70 companies working on developing cultivated meat inputs, products, and services. The meats they are focused on are; beef, chicken, pork, shrimp, duck, white fish, mouse, salmon, tuna, foie gras, fish maw, lamb, kangaroo, horse, and sturgeon.
Singapore became the first national regulator to approve the sale of lab grown meat. Israel, the U.S. and the E.U. are all in the process, and not far behind.
The Good Food Institute is an international nonprofit “reimagining meat production,” with a goal of “building a world where alternative proteins are the default choice.”
To put this in perspective, over the course of nearly 10 years, $5.9 billion was invested in the fake meat industry, and in 2020 alone, $3.1 billion was invested. That is an incredible increase – one that took a global virus to disrupt the meat industry in order to kickstart their agenda into full gear. It’s amazing how many fulfilled agendas this virus has served up on a silver platter for them, isn’t it?

Notice Impossible Foods and Memphis Meats were two big players in 2020. That said, there are a lot of players in this industry. Here is an extensive list of companies.
FDA’s New Era of Smarter Food Safety Blueprint for The Future

In October 2020, the FDA published ‘Food Made with Cultured Animal Cells,’ stating that this emerging area of food science “is expected to be ready for market in the not too distant future.” In 2019, the FDA and USDA established a formal agreement on how they would roll out regulations and proper labeling to develop a framework for this industry. They break down their separate regulating responsibilities here, from tissue collection, cell lines and banks, selection, growth, harvest, processing, labeling, and importing this lab grown meat.
Make no mistake, the FDA’s blueprint for “Smarter Food Safety,” which will utilize food traceability technology, is part of the coordinated attack on everyone’s food security, and directly ties into their goal to convert the meat industry into a 100% synthetic. On September 13, 2021 they announced the winners of their “Food Traceability Challenge.”
They contend this is all about “consumer safety” and protection from “foodborne diseases,” because they have everyone in a panic over Covid, and alleged future “animal diseases,” but the reality is that only 3,000 people die annually from foodborne diseases in the U.S, according to the CDC. They are manufacturing an entire industry of food traceability under the guise of “safety” when more than twice that number have already died after receiving the Covid-19 jab, and continue to purport it as “safe and effective.” Reconcile that.
What’s worse, is that they don’t hide their intentions of how they intend to achieve this – to “influence and change human behavior.”
This blueprint is broken down into 4 categories which they intend to roll out over the next decade to “usher in the new era of food safety“:
1) Tech-Enabled Traceability
2) Smarter Tools and Approaches for Prevention and Outbreak Response
3) New Business Models and Retail Modernization
4) Food Safety Culture (on farms, in food facilities, and in homes)
On page 7 of the FDA’s blueprint, they state that they want firms to “voluntarily adopt tracing technologies,” yet in just a few sentences further down, they state “Strive to enable industry compliance with FDA’s traceability regulation using existing consensus standards, where possible.” So is it “voluntary” or is it “regulated”? According to pages 13 and 14, under their retail food and safety approaches, they intend to encourage the development and use of commercial “smart kitchen equipment” that is capable of automatically monitoring time and temperature processes, as well as other engineering controls for facilities and equipment.
They show that there has been an increase of up to 31% of people purchasing groceries online due to Covid, suggesting that grocery stores and retail are moving their businesses online, while they work on regulations that could put these companies at risk of going out of business. According to data from Yelp, as of August 31, 2020, 60% of businesses had closed their doors permanently due to the irrational lockdown mandates. The FDA plans to partner with food delivery companies to educate them on proper food handling, including USPS, UPS, FedEx, Uber, Lyft, and DoorDash.
They spell it all out on page 16 with their plans to launch a consumer education campaign that will help consumers access and understand new technologies, while facilitating their adoption of these new tools and apps, engage partners in a coalition made up of industry groups, tech companies, government partners, and media groups to promote this new “food safety culture,” utilize new tech such as Smart Home devices, smartphones, and digital platforms to reach consumers with their messaging.
How is This Meat Being Cultured and Can We Trust That It’s “Animal” Meat?
Let’s face it, when you have a bunch of eugenicists, depopulation artists, scientists who freely lie to fulfill agendas, abortionists who use fetal tissue in their vaccines, and globalists trying to bring us to our knees, who all want full control of humanity, it’s hard not to question where these stem cells are really coming from. When one considers that the FDA and the USDA will be regulating and overseeing this, it it doesn’t bring on a pause, but rather a hard stop. The USDA has made their agenda known with RFID tags for cattle and other farm animals, while becoming the control mechanism for the level 4 biolab going into the heart of the meat belt in Kansas, among other longtime nefarious actions. The FDA has lost all respect by suppressing legitimate treatments for Covid while appeasing the globalists and big pharma, and pulling a bait-and-switch with the so-called approval of Pfizer’s Covid jab.
According to the FDA, this is how the science of making foods with cultured animal cells is done:
Step 1: They extract cells from a tissue sample of an animal. They select some of the cells, screen them, and grow them to make a “bank” of cells to store for later use.
Step 2: A small number of cells are taken from the cell bank and placed in a large sealed vessel that supports growth and cellular multiplication, by supplying appropriate nutrients and other factors.
Step 3: Once the cells have multiplied into billions or trillions of cells, additional factors such as protein growth factors, new surfaces for cell attachment, and additional nutrients are added to the controlled environment to enable the cells to differentiate into various cell types and assume characteristics of muscle, fat, or connective tissue. Yum, sounds delicious! What’s in those “additional nutrients” or will that be proprietary information?
Step 4: Once the cells have differentiated into the desired type, the cellular material can be harvested from the controlled environment and prepared using conventional food processing and packaging methods.
Oddly, this doesn’t sound so different from what molecular engineer, chemist, and geneticist George Church has been doing for quite some time. He’s been inserting wooly mammoth DNA into elephant skin cells which can then be turned into stem cells and used to produce embryos, which they can grow in incubators. In fact, Church says we could bring back Neanderthals, who he believes are likely to be more intelligent than us, since they have the 30,000 year-old DNA. He also owns multiple DNA collecting companies to run genomic sequences on people so they can learn about their heritage, and gives them the ability to sell it to other scientists on the blockchain. Other companies are doing this as well. Church’s company Nebula says that genomic big data is projected to outgrow video and text data within the next few years. It’s like a field of dreams for all of the eugenicists looking to create the next Frankenstein.
Keeping in mind that this lab grown meat isn’t going to be packed and sold as chicken legs with actual bones, but rather in patty or ground formations, who’s to say what the heck kind of “meat” is really being grown? Anything could be added into this so-called “meat.” It could even be human meat. Sound crazy? They have already grown 7 human organs using similar methods. They can grow eye cups, hearts, skin, bones, muscles, liver, and even brains, plus “organoids” such as fallopian tubes, minibrain, miniheart, minilung, minikidney, ministomach, esophagus, ear, vagina, and penis. The Japanese are working on growing human eyeballs. EpiBone is the world’s first company to grow living human bones for skeletal reconstruction and talked about how to grow a human arm in a lab during the Smithsonian magazine’s 2015 Future Is Here Festival.
What would human meat look like or taste like? Would a person be able to differentiate? Disturbing questions indeed, yet there are some cultures who eat humans til this day. According to a 2014 Smithsonian magazine article, human flesh looks most like beef and falls in the red meat camp, but the taste is more elusive. They went on to explain that both serial killers and Polynesian cannibals have described human meat as tasting most closely to pork. However, William Seabrook, an author and journalist, described it very differently in his book ‘Jungle Ways’ after allegedly sampling it in West Africa. He described human flesh as tasting like “good, fully developed veal, not young, but not yet beef.” He said it didn’t taste gamey at all but was slightly tougher than prime veal, a little stringy, but not too tough. A “tradition” of human cannibalism still takes place today in areas of India, Indonesian New Guinea, and Fiji.
In addition to lab grown meats and organs, they are also developing 3D printed meats and organs. Being as they have already begun their infrastructure to create a social score and climate scoring system, one can only imagine how that will impact farmers and ranchers, as yet another ploy to reduce their ability to produce. Once they have enough facilities in place to distribute their lab grown meat at Bill Gates’ requested 100%, while making billions off this new industry, it is likely the USDA will chime in with new regulations that further limit farmers and ranchers. How far out we are before that day arrives is hard to say, but people need to get loud with the FDA and USDA, as well as legislatures on protecting our farmers and ranchers and demanding that we do not want any part of ingesting an unknown cultured meat that arrives in some ground up disguised fashion. It’s a bit reminiscent of the Covid jabs, where the ingredients remain vague and elusive, yet the outcome has been detrimental to people’s health, with deaths exceeding nearly 7,000 as the CDC continues to manipulate the numbers to downplay it.
Some people may think that letting the meat industry go and converting to a vegetarian is something they can accept or may even want to do, but that’s just the beginning for this agenda. They intend to have the entire food industry on the blockchain as well, and be able to control what you are allowed to purchase and eat via your bank account and digital ID. If we don’t put a hard stop to the ripple effect this will have, they will eventually control our food security in its entirety. Much like how the mask was used as the instrument to get everyone to submit to all future actions and corral them straight into a digital identity, they are forging ahead with the meat industry in the same manner. We have to have our farmers backs and they have to have our backs. Work with them, build up the community co-ops, get loud with the FDA and USDA, and call on your legislatures to get involved.
Their goal is to have 100% synthetic meat as quickly as they can roll it out. We need to stop this now before that first “label” gets slapped on a product and it’s too late to roll it back.
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So like you said , it will be ground not like stew meat or slabs of roast, right? Otherwise will it be labeled so we can stay away from it?
Laura Jackson
Since I started a vegan diet several years ago after a heart attack, I became familiar with some of what you’ve included in your most excellent post, Corey. Of particular interest was the Beyond Meat products, which I found at my local market. Another item that I liked a lot is Daiya’s frozen pizzas. I’ve tried several of these products, and was particularly impressed with the flavor of Beyond Meat’s Sweet Italian Sausage and Daiya’s Supreme Pizza, (meatless and cheeseless of course). They are both produced with a fine-tuned flavor profile preferred by Americans which is mostly fat.
I reversed my heart disease by avoiding fats of all kinds, including meat, eggs, dairy and fish. After trying one of the sausage products mentioned above, I was beseiged by an inability to digest the fat content for 24 hours. I threw the rest away, and even a quick perusal of Daiya’s ‘Nutrtion Label’ on that delicious pizza will let you in on their secret: Fat! And lots of it!
Today, I make my own seitan and eat it only occasionally, but with God as my witness, I’m confident that what’s being developed in a laboratory has nothing to do with providing any health benefits for us.
Thank you for a well-researched article on the subject, Corey.
Adam Coleman
UnbeLIEvable how dastardly these globalists have become in their narcissistic arrogance!
Sheeple continue to beLIEve everything they see on tell lie vision and this won’t be seen much on tv before it’s seen in the stores.
Amazing how they all lined up for the CONTROL ALTER DELETE VAQUEX from the guy who named microsoft after his penis which is The Mark of The Beast.
Vaccineogedon-Vaccineocide is at least halfway complete in the USA and there is virtually no reporting on the adverse effects of it on the Shane stream, criminal, corporate media these daze so sheeple think this deltDUH varient is what the unvaquexed get which is somewhat true but they’re getting it from close contact with the shedding vaquexed. This is my opinion but Jon Rappaport’s nomorefakenews dot com will give you much more Light on the subject as will Dr Sherry Tenpenny’s Vaxxter dot com
Janet Ossebaard reported on this, months before you did.
I’ve long suspected they’ve already slipped this fake meat into our stores. We’ve had several occasions where the meat just won’t cook up right. It feels wrong in our mouths and doesn’t chew right. I just have to spit it out and go without.
All I have to say is, BUT GOD. Gates and his demons shall not prevail.
Carol Thompson
Corey, I recently heard on Stew Peter’s podcast that they are also planning to put the so-called mRNA vax into salads. Can you address that? What else are they sneaking into our food?
it’s nice you are able to add some good humour in ur reports Corey
appreciate ur work
“It’s like a field of dreams for all of the eugenicists looking to create the next Frankenstein” 🇨🇦 ☮️
Great write and research as usual Corey Lyn.
I felt so sick to the core by reading thisthough, even though I know their s ! c k & depraved agenda.
They don’t have (our?) my ©0πs3πt because they have not fully informed me nor even asked me or you if this is ok.
The obvious stupids who are being advised by other, rather thoroughly as best they can, yet who are continuing to capitulate to this ( s ! c k @ g 3 π d a ) are going to just accept it with their head in the ground & arses in the air, making it even harder for the rest of us to f! Gh+ back.
I’m getting rather tired of all the lies within truths, truths within lies, the non transparency or transparency as it suits, non disclosure, lame soft disclosure,
cover ups, propaganda, false histories, trickle feeds, distractions and they continue to come up with new sh! t using their old tried and true tactics and boring bag of tricks because many people are, I’m going to say it, stupid!, not everyone but alot!
Euston/world We May Have A Mamoth Problem!!!
Window getting smaller.
B&N to all
C Mason
Interesting how they’ve already primed the wheel with adding “plant based” verbiage to packaging, getting us used to seeing it.
Great report, Corey!
To those cultures who still eat human meat to this day, please take these insane psychopaths like Gates, Schwab and the rest of the nwo bafoons and eat them! have a feast with all these demon psychopaths.
Yesterday the food harvest trucks gave out 4 pounds of ground beef. Last month vegitable based buger patties. They also have alot of canned goods with from China on it. 🙁 How can you identify true beef hamburger from the label? sad. prob couldnt trust it was anyhow.
Samuel l. Hosea
Creatures are sick,they want stop this sickness,who knows if human meat already in stores ,why so much sickness ,medical problems. Everyday sicknesses
These evil people are attempting genocide now through food byproducts. I actually take a magnet to the grocery store to test for graphene oxide nanoparticles. Sick that I have to think of this. Safest and healthy food is the things you grow yourself or buy locally. The only answer to that. I have chickens for eggs. Might be expanding my food harvest. I hate to do that or just become egg and garden veggie type of person.
No this meat will not be labeled as they intend on killing us by any means possible to hit their target of over 90% of us by 2030!!!:
Please do not trust the pharmaceutical industry:
It’s quite telling how some folks can get all riled up about the possibility of being slipped some plant food, but slaughterhouses don’t bother them. They rant about abortion, but have no qualms about consuming the flesh of other frightened, tortured, and butchered sentient beings.
Drawing that big red line between “us” and “them,” to justify what looks like demonic activity, to me, is a troubling sign.
Lady Joy
Fabulous research. TY Corey.
I have a few suggestions. Besides boycotting main brands/companies listed. One doesn’t say it but it is McDonalds. A given but…
Also, shop and get the money out of the corporations and grocery stores. Amazonzilla and Walmart are the worst of the worst against freedom loving people in the USA.
And spread the news fast and wide folks! Join #OperationPushBack groups on most SM to find ways to rebel/revolt daily. Your money talks.
Kelly Mamoth
Trust in Monk Monk!!
Suki, you missed the point. The article is mostly about lab grown fake meat. Not a vegetarian product. They are growing “meat” from animal cells. Perhaps aborted baby cells. We really don’t know. Consider reading the work of Dr. Weston Price. Humans are designed to consume a diet containing animal products and fats. We aren’t designed to live as vegans, much to my dismay. I was vegan for years and it destroyed my health. I am much healthier since I added animal products back into my diet. I am a reluctant omnivore. I try to source my meat from pastured animals, preferable local. I have chickens for eggs and buy pastured when mine drop in production. I purchase raw milk from 3 local farmers. We play with the goats at the goat farm.
Regardless of your views about eating meat, surely you believe our food should be labeled. Our government is using tax dollars to invest in lab grown meat rather than in regenerative farming. And some of that lab grown meat requires the death of a newborn calf. They drain the blood and extract what they call bovine serum from it. From that, they grow “beef” in a lab. Don’t fall into the trap of believing this fake food agenda cares about animals or people one tiny little bit.