Measles, Masterminds & Millions Part 2
The media, HHS, WHO, and CDC are all up in arms over why people are concerned about vaccinating, and going so far as to proclaim “the measles outbreak is the anti-vaxxers fault, they are conspiracy theorists spreading misinformation, and this is dangerous!” The problem is, they only wish to portray selected statistics while being very deceptive and exaggerating the danger – which has played a major role in huge public distrust.
• For the past 26 years, since 1993, there have been 5,788 cases of measles reported in the U.S., and 4 measles-related deaths, two of which had other complications and was only determined after death
• The CDC, WHO, and mainstream media report 0.1% – 0.2% measles death rate in the U.S., when in fact it is 0.07% over the past 26 years
• 483 Claims of injury or death from the MMR vaccine have been paid by the U.S. Government since 1988
• 77 Individuals that contracted the measles in the 2019 “outbreak” were already vaccinated
• 963 Cases of the measles were reported in 1994, only 338 were laboratory tested and 109 did not have the measles – they still report 963
Part I covered how the Clintons masterminded the mandatory free Vaccines for Children program back in 1994. This was important information to lay the groundwork for how the program and vaccine industry works, as well as the government having complete oversight. More information on the government’s involvement will be presented in subsequent reports. This is a 6-part investigative report, and it is highly recommended to read Part I prior to moving on to Part 2, below.

The Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services recently stated “this anti-vaccine movement has proven to be very dangerous,” while mainstream news backs her up with claims that there are myths, lies, conspiracy theories, and widely debunked information circulating social media. Whereas there may very well be some misinformation circulating, most “anti-vaxxers” are not 100% anti-vaccine. In fact, they have spent a great deal of hours sifting through documentation from the CDC and Health and Human Services so as to extract the critical data that doesn’t seem to make the news. They are simply trying to share the information that is not being shared with the public.
These same people have been fighting for investigations, legitimate scientific research be done and exposed, whistleblowers be heard, and transparency of the ingredients as well as the $4.1 billion in settled claims – all come to light. They just want the truth. The more the truth is suppressed, while sickness, autism, paralyzation, and infertility prosper, the more people want answers. And the fact is, when you shut whistleblowers down, publish discrepancies in numbers, redact FOIA requests, settle claims in secrecy – all while lobbying both sides of government, who control the entire vaccine industry – it’s going to raise some eyebrows. And that right there is the issue. Not that these folks are 100% anti-vaxx, as most people probably recognize that some vaccines have likely helped to eradicate diseases, but just how many vaccines are necessary, what exactly is in them, and why are health issues and infertility at staggering rates?
BIG Discrepancies & Misrepresentations in Reporting on The Measles “Outbreak”
The CDC publishes case updates on their website. As of April 26, 2019 they claim that 704 individual cases of measles have been confirmed in 22 states, indicating this was an increase of 78 from the week prior when they were reporting it to be at 626. They state that this is the greatest number of cases reported since 1994, which is an interesting year, if you are following along. They also note that case count is preliminary and subject to change and that the data is updated every Monday.

From 1993 – 2019 (26 years) there have been a total of four measles-related deaths in the U.S.
The CDC claims that 0.1% – 0.2% (1-2 per 1,000 people) die from the measles in the U.S. Let’s look at the numbers. Below is a breakdown, going back 26 years from reported measles cases by the CDC.
1993 – 312
1994 – 963
1995 – 309
1996 – 508
1997 – 138
1998 – 100
1999 – 100
2000 – 86
2001 – 116
2002 – 44
2003 – 56
2004 – 33
2005 – 66
2006 – 54
2007 – 43
2008 – 127
2009 – 71
2010-2019 totaled 2662 as seen in chart above
TOTAL: 5,788
Between 1993 and 1999 there was one measles-related death. In 2003, a 13-year old girl died three months after having a bone marrow transplant. According to the CDC, she tested positive for measles during a brain biopsy, after death. According to the CDC, a 75-year-old international traveler was infected in Israel and died from the measles in 2003 as well. In 2015, a woman passed away from pneumonia with no sign of the measles, and was later reported to have had measles after an autopsy was done. Note that three of the four are NOT babies, and the fourth does not indicate the age.
Based on the above numbers, 4 out of 5,788 people died that had the measles, two of whom had other complications as well. This brings the death rate to .07%, or 1 in 1,447. The numbers the CDC, WHO, and mainstream media are using, predate 1993. Claiming 2 per 1,000 is vastly different than 1 per 1,500, especially when it refers to lives.
One key statistic neither the CDC, the WHO, or mainstream media include in their reports, is the fact that there have been 483 measles vaccine injury and death claims paid by the U.S. Government since 1988.
Keeping all of the above in mind, the CDC also maintains weekly charts by state and region, indicating the number of reports coming in from each location via the NNDSS. They also receive numbers directly from the state health departments, which is then added to the weekly chart. They state the health department numbers are subject to ongoing revision of information and it may reflect changes to the counts in later weeks. All of this information is gathered to determine the final counts in the chart above. That said, it would seem their ongoing weekly case reports are lagging very far behind. As of this week, from January 1 to April 26, 2019 (same time span as chart above), they only indicate 271 indigenous and 237 imported, totaling 508. That is a very significant difference.
This all has a similar resemblance to the CDC’s Swine Flu data coverup back in 2009. Sharyl Attkisson did an amazing 3-month investigation into it. After obtaining state-by-state test results, they indicated that it was unlikely that people had the H1N1 and probably didn’t have the flu at all. In short, the then-CDC Director Thomas Frieden declared the Swine Flu to be an epidemic, insisting on vaccines for all, even those who were told they had already had the H1N1, unless they had lab confirmation. Meanwhile, the CDC abruptly advised states to stop testing for the H1N1 flu and stopped counting cases. They shipped out 30 million doses, encouraging them to get the vaccine and that it would be safe. Unfortunately, for those who had already had the H1N1 vaccine, it was dangerous to get a second one because it could expose them to significant side effects such as paralysis from Guillain-Barre syndrome.
The adult influenza vaccine is the leading injury claim in the vaccine injury compensation program. It can cause Guillain-Barré Syndrome and even death. The government has already paid out millions in settlements from taxpayer dollars, just between 2011 and 2014.
Why is The Media Misrepresenting a Baby & Claiming Those That Choose Not to Vaccinate Are The Dangerous Cause for The Measles Spreading?
Let’s be very clear about some key numbers before delving into the information the media is putting out. As noted in the CDC chart above, they state, “This is the greatest number of cases reported in the U.S. since 1994.” Let’s take a look at the CDC report from 1994.
25 Years Ago 30% of The Purported Cases of Measles Cited Religious or Philosophic Reasons for Not Vaccinating – This is Nothing New
While all mainstream news is purporting the same story about the anti-vaccine movement creating the spread of the measles, it should be duly noted that in 1994, the last time there was a measles “outbreak”, the CDC reported, of the 963 cases 539 were unvaccinated, and 294 (54%) cited religious or philosophic exemption, or 30% overall. That was 25 years ago. Another interesting number: 338 of the 963 who allegedly had measles, were laboratory tested, indicating only 229 (68%) were actually confirmed to have measles. If they had tested all 963, the overall number of individuals purported to have measles may have been substantially less. 8% of the cases were related to international importations. Only 15% were 12 months of age or younger. For the record, only 45 were hospitalized and not one person died.
In November, 2018 The Times of Israel reported on measles in Jerusalem. They used a Photoshopped image of a doctor holding a baby absolutely covered in measles, and ran with the title “Toddler dies of measles in Jerusalem, in the first such incident in 15 years.” When one reviews the original stock photo called “Doctor holding a beautiful newborn baby” next to the Photoshopped image that the same photographer provided as a stock photo, it’s startling. When one reads a headline like that while seeing this photo, it invokes an emotional response. A simple reverse image search reveals that both stock photos, by the same photographer, have been available for quite some time on iStock, adobe, Fotolia, AP images, dreamstime, Getty Images, and others.

The November 1, 2018 Times of Israel piece is very misleading with the title/photo combo, along with a caption stating, “Illustrative: Newborn baby suffering from measles.” The last paragraph on this portion of the screenshot states, “The girl’s death comes amid the growing phenomenon of parents refusing to vaccinate their children, due to various discredited and unproven claims that the life-saving practice is dangerous.”
The numbers reported by the CDC back in 1994, clearly depict that this is not a “phenomenon.” Here, they also make a blanket statement implying people are incapable of reviewing the statistics themselves, or examining their own health issues after receiving a vaccine, while suggesting all negative information on vaccines is in fact “discredited” and “unproven.” If this were the case, the government would not have settled $4.1 billion in claims over the years, which according to their own guidelines, petitions must “meet medical criteria for compensation” prior to “holding a hearing in which both parties can present evidence.”

The doctored photo of the baby with measles is such a hit, that it’s been used by Huffington Post, Cosmos, MSN, and NBC as well.
The Huffington Post piece, dated February 21, 2019 is titled “B.C. Considering Mandatory Vaccination Registry Due to Measles Outbreak.” This, after only nine confirmed cases in the Vancouver area. They went on to state that measles is nothing to sneeze at and the WHO reported there were 110,000 measles deaths in 2017, most among children under age five. Of course, that’s out of 7.53 billion people, but they don’t mention this is a global figure, and leave one to be shocked and awed by the large number. The photo of the baby with measles is placed directly under the WHO’s statistic, with a caption stating, “A stock photo of a newborn baby with chickenpox, measles or rubella lying in the hands of doctor.” This of course is entirely inaccurate, as the baby is not WITH these illnesses, but rather has been DOCTORED to appear it has one of those illnesses. Misleading, but at least they conveyed it was a stock photo, not that many people read the captions.

On March 1, 2019 MSN reported “Anti-vaccine ‘fake news’ behind spike in measles – NHS.” They go on to state, “Irresponsible” anti-vaccination messages circulated on social media platforms may be contributing to an increase in measles cases and a decline in vaccination take-up, the head of NHS England has warned.” Under the photo, their caption reads, “Baby with measles. File pic.”

- The government has paid 483 people for claims of injury and death against the MMR vaccine alone.
- Major news sources have all reported on big pharma lobbying on both sides of the fence. This is no secret. It’s also no secret that Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation have accepted hundreds of thousands of dollars from big pharma while she was Secretary of State. More on that in Part IV.
On March 5, 2019 Cosmos published a piece titled, “One more time with feeling: no link found between measles vax and autism.” This one conveys a much richer caption, “Measles cases have soared in several countries. Young children bear the burden of parents’ decisions not to immunize.” This one is entirely misleading while tugging on parents’ emotions.
Some might find their mocking about a link between vaccines and autism to be distasteful. Others might find it to be terribly untrue, especially for those who have children with autism. In 2016, Sharyl Attkisson reported on what the news wasn’t saying about vaccine-autism studies. Whereby the study released in 2016 was indicating no link between vaccines and autism, the consulting firm didn’t disclose their affiliations with the health industry and government, which was a conflict of interest. Many took it as conclusive evidence, while disregarding a plethora of studies that indicate there is a potential connection. Attkisson listed and linked numerous studies in this report, and broke down a very large propaganda campaign disparaging well-published neurologists, pharmacists, epidemiologists, immunologists, PhD’s, chemists and microbiologists from top notch universities and research institutes. And finally, she brought up an excellent point that not only rings true for the scientists and researchers, but how the media is treating the public as well:
It’s theoretically possible that all of the studies supporting a possible link between vaccines and autism are wrong. And, if the propagandists are to be believed, each of the researchers is an incompetent crank, quack, nut or fraud (and, of course, “anti-vaccine” for daring to dabble in research that attempts to solve the autism puzzle and leads to vaccine safety issues). The scientists and their research are “controversial,” simply because the propagandists declare them to be.
It should also be noted that Attkisson covered the first vaccine-autism court awarded case back in 2010. At 18-months old Hannah Poling was vaccinated against nine diseases. Her health rapidly declined and she began showing signs of autism. In 2002, Hannah’s parents filed an autism claim in federal vaccine court. The case took five years to settle, which resulted in a minimum of $1.5 million. The government said vaccines aggravated an unknown mitochondrial disorder which didn’t “cause” her autism, but “resulted” in it. Given those circumstances, it’s possible other children with mitochondrial disorder could be susceptible to the same scenario that Hannah endured, and continues to endure for the rest of her life. As of 2010 there were 4,800 people awaiting disposition in federal vaccine court.

On April 15, 2019 NBC News promoted one of the most misleading representations of the photo, amongst all of them. In a 2-1/2 minute segment, that opened up with a very intense tone, stating, “Tonight America on track for its worst Measles outbreak in 25 years.” On the screen, it opens with the chest of a child covered in measles, then quickly flips to the baby covered in measles, with a banner across the screen stating, “Nurse Battles Vaccine Myths as Measles Outbreak Hits 555 Cases.” They go on to state that health officials are urging parents to vaccination their children, offering free clinics and shots, declaring states of emergency, and say that those falsely linking vaccines from everything to seizures and autism are just myths and are dangerous.
They failed to mention the $4.1 billion dollars in taxpayer money that was paid out in settlements by the government’s vaccine compensation plan for injury and death, that they deemed to be compensable. They also failed to mention the 483 injury and death claims against the MMR Vaccine that they government paid out, dating back to 1988. As a side note, by “free shots,” they mean taxpayers are paying for it.
If one was to search the VAERS system for reported events after receiving vaccines, “seizures” happens to be a big one. On a personal note, my friend’s child had a seizure seconds after being injected with a vaccine, while the nurse was still standing by her side. She was immediately sent to the hospital, and has had devastating health issues ever since, missing countless days of school over the past few years. It is a reality that mainstream news, big pharma, and government don’t like to talk about, so they debunk it.

USA Today Reports: “Viral misinformation: Rise of ‘anti-vaxxer’ movement requires news literacy inoculation.” They go on to state, “What changed? In recent years, the “anti-vaxxer” movement has flooded social media platforms with misinformation questioning the safety of vaccinations. Articles, videos and posts replete with conspiracy theories, hoaxes and pseudoscience have, well, gone viral. Many people have been persuaded to make health-care decisions based on provocative, frightening and false content that puts their children, and their communities, at risk.”
As anyone can see, they do not want people “questioning the safety of vaccinations” and anyone that does is a “conspiracy theorist.” THIS is what is dangerous – this propaganda, making blanket statements to scare and confuse folks so that they won’t seek the answers they deserve to know.
They all purport that in “recent years” there has been a rise in the anti-vaxxer movement, and those are the people responsible for the spread of an “outbreak.” They are also reporting on the serious danger of the measles, how it can result in death, and the dire threat it is to babies. What they like to suggest as being “conspiracy theory,” legitimate journalists like to refer to it as “statistics, data, facts, and evidence.” Let’s put this in perspective.
• 963 cases
were reported
• 15% were aged less than 15 months
• 24% were greater than or equal to 20 years of age
• 8% from international importations
• 338 were laboratory tested, confirming only 229 (68%) actually had the
measles. If 68% were applied to all 963 cases (as an overall measure), that
would represent only 652 actual cases.
• 848 reported vaccination status of which 539 (64%) were unvaccinated
• 54% of the 539 chose not to vaccinate, citing religious or philosophic
• 171 had at least one dose of measles-containing vaccine and contracted
• 4 cases had both doses of measles vaccines and still contracted measles
• 45 people were hospitalized
• 0 deaths
This report concluded with: “Important characteristics of current epidemiologic trends are the shift in age distribution of cases to older persons, the large proportion of cases in groups whose members do not routinely accept vaccination, and the increasing numbers of cases linked to international importations. More than half of the cases in persons aged 5-19 years were associated with outbreaks among persons with a religious or philosophic exemption to vaccination. known international importations or spread from international importations accounted for almost one fifth of reported measles cases in 1994.”
That was 25 years ago. Whereas 45 people were hospitalized allegedly from choosing not to vaccinate, which resulted in zero deaths – that same year, 6,700 children and adults chose to enjoy the dangers of amusement rides, which resulted in them being treated at U.S. hospital emergency rooms for injuries. Unfortunately, two who chose to go on the amusement rides resulted in fatalities. It was a rough year at the amusement parks.
• 704 cases have been reported across 22 states
• 508 are logged into their weekly location disease charts creating a wide discrepancy in numbers
• 14% under 12 months, and median age patient is 5-years-old
• 6% from international importation
• 71% are unvaccinated, but they don’t indicate whether they had documented proof of that, as they did in 1994 – nor do they state how many cited religious or philosophic reasons. This is only an increase of 7% from 25 years ago.
• 18% unknown if vaccinated
• 11% (77 people) were vaccinated and still contracted measles
• They claim one dose is 93% effective and two doses are 97% effective
• 9% hospitalized
• Waiting on statistics of actual laboratory numbers confirming measles
• 0 deaths
As parents weigh the odds about vaccinating their children, here are some other important statistics to consider:
• Since 1988, over 20,522 petitions have been filed with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. They compensated 6,465 of those
• Taxpayers have paid $4.1 billion in injury and death compensation to those who have suffered from vaccines
• From the time they are born, babies receive numerous immunizations – up to 28 shots by age two
• States are actively trying to pass bills to eliminate religious exemptions
• In 2000 it cost $282.19 to vaccinate one child in the public sector, which increased to $1,894.52 by 2014 due to the increase in the number of vaccines
• Federal funds (taxpayer dollars) pay for 95% of all publicly funded vaccinations – VCF program cost $4.3 billion in 2017
• Federal and state governments have 100% oversight on the vaccine industry
• They are trying to add mandatory vaccines to multiple states, such as the controversial HPV vaccine Gardasil that resulted in a $5,877,710 settlement over 49 effected victims
• An Example Search in the VAERS reporting system, with MMR + Merck & Co. as the only 2 items selected for displaying adverse reports, turns up 68,760 events – you can narrow the search extensively for specific data points
• There are over 120 new products in the development pipeline
• The CDC 2019 immunization schedule currently indicates 30 vaccines with over 40 injections by age 18, the bulk of which are before two years of age
• Vaccines are expected to be a $60-billion-dollar industry by next year
• The overall infant mortality rate in the U.S. in 2017 was 6%, none of which was from measles
• Review the map and breakdown of exemption rules by state
• According to the World Health Organization, the measles vaccination prevented an estimated 21.1 million deaths worldwide between 2000-2017, the majority of which represent other countries
The CDC’s Argument is Contradictory
“It’s not worth risking your baby’s life because it could die if it does not get the MMR vaccine for measles.”
The CDC’s logic on getting the flu vaccine: “There is a small possibility that influenza vaccine could be associated with Guillain-Barré syndrome, no more than 1 or 2 cases per million people vaccinated. This is much lower than the risk of severe complications from flu, which can be prevented by flu vaccine.” Millions of dollars in settlements over GBS and death from the flu vaccine took place between 2011-2014 alone. This is a short list. According to the Health Resources & Services Administration, there have been 1,853 cases settled and 508 cases dismissed between 2006 – 2016.
Their logic is, the small percentage of those that are injured or die if they DO GET the flu vaccine is worth the risk – but, the small percentage of those that die if you DON’T GET the measles vaccine isn’t worth the risk, and you must get the vaccine. These are the kind of discrepancies that give people pause, and make them question the source.
The bottom line is, most people feel vaccination should be a choice, not forced. If people were given the FULL truth, and nothing but the truth, they could make an educated decision as to what they feel is best for their child. While they argue that the government shouldn’t be involved in abortion and it’s a woman’s right “to choose” whether to take her baby’s life at full term, they argue quite the opposite for those moms who are concerned about vaccinating their children.
UNICEF Tweets A Frightening Video of “DANGER” While Requesting Retweets
There are over 321,000,000 people in the United States. Only 704 (.000002%) contracted the measles in the 2019 “outbreak.”

The story is narrated by a woman, and goes like this: “Kids can find danger, wherever they go. Sometimes it’s above, and sometimes it’s below. This way and that way, both in and outside. Where else can danger possibly hide? You might be surprised. When keeping kids safe, all parents take note. There are dangers you see… and dangers you don’t. It’s impossible to avoid the dangers that kids get themselves into. But you can do something about the dangers that get into our kids. Childproof your child. Get them vaccinated. It could save their life.” #VaccinesWork.

They used scary pictures with the word danger six times in a 1-minute animated video, while requesting likes and retweets so as to raise 1 million dollars by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Throughout the video, there is a link on it to UNICEF, which takes you here:

Wired covered UNICEF and the UK’s campaign on combatting “anti-vaxxers” by using hashtags as their weapon of choice. While Public Health England (PHE) ran with #ValueofVaccines, UNICEF went with #VaccinesWork. They pointed out that “Anti-vaxxers use emotive language and images, appealing to parents’ worst fears,” which is quite an interesting statement given what we’ve just observed above. In fact, one might consider this to be a straightforward case of projection.
Nearly every media source, the CDC, HHS and WHO have all reported that the “anti-vaxxers are dangerous and putting out frightening information.” You be the judge – what do you as a parent consider frightening? Statistics or knives raining down on your child?
They use DEATH and LIFE-THREATENING as a fear tactic, because yes, in rare cases (.07% in the U.S.) a person can die from measles. They focus on statistics of death prior to the early 90s while avoiding sharing statistics of actual U.S. deaths from 1993 forward. It would almost seem as though they want the overall death rate to remain a secret, as it would thwart their progress. This is another reason the public has trust issues, because of the lack of transparency and the scare tactics being used. They report in a very biased manner while escalating the dangers. Even on the CDC’s website where they cover the “Measles History” they won’t tell you how many deaths there have been after the early 90s – which is four. WHY? People want to know this information so they can make educated decisions.
Another statistic they are not sharing is the fact that 77 of the 2019 measles cases had already been vaccinated and STILL contracted measles. Furthermore, the CDC has not indicated how many of the cases were laboratory tested to prove they had measles, which could reduce these numbers significantly, much like what happened in 1994.
All of this gives pause to the ongoing lawsuit between Merck and their scientists who allege Merck falsified the efficacy rate back in the 90s so as to get approval from the CDC. This is an ongoing case, and is covered in part five of this investigation.
Some Data They Are Not Openly Sharing with You:
Between 2006 – 2016 there were 94,815,650 doses of MMR distributed in the U.S., but it’s uncertain how many were administered. There were 68,760 events (reactions) reported in the VAERS system. 483 claims of injury or death from the MMR vaccine were compensated by the U.S. Government since 1988, while they dismissed hundreds of others. It’s also important to note that class actions get lumped into one file, so in reviewing numbers from the 2006 – 2016 compensation chart, these numbers may be skewed. The 2013 Gardasil case is a perfect example of this. The HHS awarded $5,877,710 to 49 victims in claims made against the Gardasil HPV vaccine made by Merck. Over 200 claims were filed.
Despite the Gardasil case or the $4.1 billion in settlements to those who suffered injuries or death from vaccines, USA Today likes to purport, “For years, studies have repeatedly shown the safety of vaccines and their role in saving lives.” They go on to teach others how to “inoculate against misinformation” by sending them over to the “News Literacy Project’s Checkology” virtual classroom, alleging this will teach young people how to separate fact from fiction, and gain innate resistance to information that aims to mislead, incite, frighten or provoke. That is an interesting choice of words, given what the mainstream news is projecting and misrepresenting about the current measles “outbreak,” as cited above.
In an attempt to control the information on social media and the internet in regards to vaccines, on February 14, 2019, U.S. Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) addressed a letter to chief executive officers of Google and Facebook.
As a Member of Congress who is deeply concerned about declining vaccination rates, I am requesting additional information on the steps that you currently take to provide medically accurate information on vaccinations to your users, and to encourage you to consider additional steps you can take to address this growing problem. I was pleased to see YouTube’s recent announcement that it will no longer recommend videos that violate its community guidelines, such as conspiracy theories or medically inaccurate videos, and encourage further action to be taken related to vaccine misinformation.
While the media continues to push a narrative of anti-vaxxers being the cause of a measles “outbreak,” how life-threatening this virus is, and how babies could die, one might consider reviewing the statistics for themselves, comparing the numbers across a 26-year-span, and drawing their own conclusions. One might also consider following the money trail, the masterminds, and the laws they are trying to force upon people, when reviewing the overall situation as a whole. All of that and more, coming in the additional Digs Files of this investigative report, rolling out every few days.
It’s time to end the controversy. Now more than ever, it is critical that the public see transparency on vaccines, ALL of the science, discussions and investigations take place, safety policies are put in place, and we get to the bottom of which vaccines are safe, which ones are not, and begin heading into a healthier future where 40+ injections are not necessary to survive. The attacks by the media on those trying to cover statistics directly from the CDC and HHS needs to stop. Disregarding credible scientists, suppressing whistleblowers, and settling cases in secret while pretending data doesn’t exist, needs to come to a halt. Where there is deceit, there will always be resistance.
CLICK here for Part 3: “The Vaccine Compensation Program Has Doled Out $4.1 Billion and Obama Added More Vaccines To Government Protected List in December, 2016”
Download this full 6-part report in PDF format from the Bookshop. >

Dont forget that forget that nanobacteria are in vaccines. They ARE IMPLICATED IN calcification of the body. Kidney stones, artery plaque. Joint destruction, arthritis, scleroderma Prostatitis Anything plaque..”brain sand” dementia, alzheimers. RESEARCH NANOBACTERIA . Vaccines are not helping.
Thank you for beginning this series on vaccines. I would like to mention that estimates of how many actual vaccine injuries occur show that VAERS (the vaccine adverse event reporting system) only receives reports on 1-10% of vaccine injuries (I believe this estimate was determined by researchers at Harvard). Many people don’t know the system exists or that they must report within a certain time frame to get compensation. Del Bigtree likes to multiply the VAERS numbers by 10 or 100 to provide a more plausible estimate of the true injuries and deaths. Based on personal observation, we are already at the point where virtually all boys given the full CDC schedule will suffer intellectual and developmental damage. Girls are somewhat better off, but autoimmunity and/or allergy is guaranteed with the “full schedule” and I mean GUARANTEED. Among about a dozen children in my acquaintance 3 are on the autism spectrum, there is one possible case of “tics”, two cases of ADHD, multiple psychiatric problems leading to hospitalization, one case of eczema, one case of chronic headache, and etc. When public health “authorities” avoid discussing what the injection of neurotoxins, squalene, foreign proteins and genetic material (from animals, peanuts, insects, birds, monkeys, people, etc.), Polysorbate 80, antibiotics, formaldehyde and etc. is doing to our children they are admitting that this is a deliberate cover-up of a genocidal program. There can be no other explanation unless they are truly so incompetent as to make their continued efforts (at taxpayer expense) a THREAT to public health. I can’t wait for you to discuss SIDS.
I’ve been reading as much as I can about vaccines. With an upcoming trip to the Philippines for my 7 year old sister and I, I have been questioning if I should get the cdc recommended vaccinations or not :/
Thank you for doing this expose. It is hard to stand up to the pressure from doctors and friends and even strangers who believe the propaganda. My kid is the healthiest, smartest kid I know. No vaxes. Will homeschool too.
Corey Lynn
You are very welcome. I’m glad to hear your child is healthy and that you are able to homeschool. That’s excellent!
To “S” who wondered about getting CDC recommended shots: No rational person would try to give you medical advice over the computer. However, Del Bigtree has attended ACIP (the committee that recommends vaccines-part of CDC, I believe) and shown that one vaccine, a Japanese encephalitis shot was not cost effective. The Philippines has had a big scare over Sanofi’s Dengvaxia shot which seems to be dangerous to people who have not already been exposed to dengue (an ironic situation called “antibody dependent enhancement”). If you are asked to get either of those, I’d be very cautious and do your own research on the subject. The FDA recently approved Dengvaxia for US use despite the debacle in the Philippines. (Actually, I would do your own research on ANY vaccine you are asked to take, because the CDC is funded in order to support vaccination and they are not impartial regarding the science) Several things you can do: Simply look at the ingredients (CDC used to list them, I believe or you can find them on the insert) and learn what they do. MSDS sheets on vaccine ingredients can be very enlightening because an ingredient may be dangerous enough to warrant concern for people working with the compound! The National Vaccine Information Center has high quality articles about vaccines presented in their on-line magazine “The Vaccine Reaction” and Del Bigtree’s show The HighWire (I see it on YouTube) is also very informative. I have read reports that the yellow fever vaccine has been implicated in episodes of psychosis. This is something that would not be explored or explained in a typical doctor’s office. Though I would not dare to give you specific advice, I personally do not plan to take any more routine vaccines.
I am shocked, nay horrified. As a 58 year-old woman, I was spared the spread of vaccinations as a child and as an adult for things like flu shots, based on autoimmune/allergic issues from the first vaccination. For those who question the efficacy of these things, let me say that I had the measles twice and the chicken pox once. I survived both, with care and isolation from my siblings. The estimation of the ‘danger’ from my personal experience is limited, and when it is revealed here by Corey that even the death numbers involve those who died of other illnesses, but might have the virus in their system at autopsy is over the top strange (Not to mention that having had the disease at any point leaves traces of it in your system). Instead, what I see here is a MASSIVE money laundering system where the politicians and folks on boards like the AMA are involved in creating a system where we pay for shots that limit us, pysically and mentally; all while the funds are channeled through questionable ‘government’ sources with little or no real accountability. And the politicians who push this, on federal, state and local levels are getting kickbacks (likely, such as the Clintons, and also possible the M.D.s) for pushing the agenda. In truth, we are not given the true statistics of what happens WHEN immunizations are given, NOR are we seeing what happens if they are NOT.
And as to funding the Bill and Melida Gates charity, does anyone recall that THOUSANS of young women in India were given the Gardisil injections and are now infertile and many are paralyzed fromt he waist down and that Gates was evicted from India and told never to return?
As to why people continue to immunize their children, I will say that I truely believe that the ones promoting this are doing some sort of SPELLCASTING. There just seems to be something else that is of influence over some of these issues. Something ‘otherworldly’ supporting this agenda. Yes, I am suggesting some sort of spiritual warfare with something akin to witchcraft. Why do we not see these things for what they are??
This is amazing!! I will admit, my interest in vaccines was never really one way or the other until I got sick. I have lupus, Fibromyalgia, MS & Neuropathy. My chronic illnesses have nothing to do with vaccines, but in the 6 1/2 years since all this happened in my life I have seen first hand how corrupt big pharma, the FDA, the CDC, WHO, insurance companies and many Doctor’s & politician’s who Line their pockets with the money they make from 1) pushing the medications 2) passing the legislation 3) regulations 4) the more patients, the more money = less quality care ..
Though I am living with chronic illnesses I have gotten off pretty much all medications, there are a few I do need – I heard you on Quite Frankly (I have been a reader for a long time), and you said something that made a lot of sense about those of us who are called “anti-vaxxers”, and I am also going to apply this to myself and my medical care. Absolutely there has been good things done with vaccines, and no doubt they have saved lives, i too believe that. I also believe the same is true about modern medicine, I think it has made AMAZING ADVANCES, but I also believe it has harmed people. My first dr literally almost killed me within 6 months of being diagnosed with Lupus and Neuropathy because she over medicated me. 14 different medications, my body basically rejected it, I went into respiratory failure. I ended up in the ER, then the ICU. Since then I learned MYSELF about advocating for ME! Now I have drs who are NOT OPPOSED to natural medicine. I am a BIG ADVOCATE of kratom (I see the SAME propaganda lies from the FDA when they try to blame kratom for peoples deaths – when IN FACT they had other drugs like heroine or the more lethal drug Fentanly). I believe moderation is the key. I know there are certain medications that have made my life better, but I REFUSE to take anything that is addictive, or has an effect on how my mind works. I have not taken or WILL NOT TAKE Opioids, benzodiazepines, muscle relaxants, anti-depressants, mood stabilizers since I was in the ICU 6 years ago.
I also no longer get vaccinated, technically according to the CDC i should, I am high risk to get sick. But when I got the flu shot, pneumonia shots I ended up in the hospital. Now I no longer get them, I havent been to the hospital in over.a year.
I truly appreciate this series you are doing. My family is still VERY ON THE FENCE with all the vaccines stuff. I live in Washington State, we had the first big “Measles” outbreak.. My Dr told my family i was fine, I didn’t have to worry, they thought both my dr and I were CRAZY! But one thing they CANNOT DENY, is how much HEALTHIER I HAVE BEEN since i have been with my dr now. I have already sent them the links to ALL of the pieces I want to make sure they have EVERY SINGLE ONE! Sometimes they need to see the evidence to back up what they are reading. Again thank you! This is SO VERY MUCH APPRECIATED, YOU ARE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED!
I’d like to point out that the Vaers database is said to be anywhere from 1% to 10% accurate. I’ve seen more on 1% in different articles. Meaning it’s mostly 1% accurate.